
This module will deploy an ec2 instance with a mounted EBS. There are many variable options if more is needed PR's are welcome. The method used for this gitian build process is docker. Bitcoin binaries are tar.gz/zipped up for linux and windows. These will be dropped into /gitian/bitcoin/bitcoin-binaries/${VERSION}/ You can then check the hash of these files to the ones you would download off of or

Example usage:

module "gitian" {
  source = ""

  env               = var.env  # arbitary environment name
  region            = var.region # AWS region
  vpc_id            = 
  subnet_id         = # choose a private subnet
  ssh_key_name      = var.ssh_key_name
  sg_for_access_id  = # optional sg for usage with other sg's
  gpg_signer        = var.gpg_signer # name for your gpg signing name
  bitcoin_version   = var.bitcoin_version # ex: 0.21.0rc1
  instance_size     = var.instance_size # (supported sizes c4.4xlarge, c4.2xlarge, c4.xlarge, t3.medium)

  providers = {
    aws.env = aws.env


  • The purpose of this module is to easily check the gitian build checksums for yourself extra manual steps are required
  • if you want to be a gitian signer this is not the offical guide please refer to the docs of gitian builds, however this will take you through the steps of building with docker for windows and linux. (Your results may vary)
  • If you want to run subsequent builds from the same server ssh/cd into /gitian/bitcoin and see the instructions below.
  • If you want to be a gitian contributor you will want to also setup:
    • git (git config / ssh keys)
    • pgp/gpg signing key

Gitian signing steps

setup env vars

# your name
export SIGNER=satoshi 
# tag on repo
export VERSION=0.21.0rc3 
# memory in MB
export MEMORY_MB=25000 
# number of cpu cores for faster builds
export THREADS=15 
# method
export USE_DOCKER=1

cd /gitian/
bitcoin/contrib/ -j ${THREADS} -m ${MEMORY_MB} -Ddnb ${SIGNER} ${VERSION}

Ex: bitcoin/contrib/ -j 4 -m 3000 -Ddnb Satoshi 0.21.0rc1

GPG/PGP Signing:

pushd ./gitian.sigs
gpg --output ${VERSION}-win-unsigned/${SIGNER}/bitcoin-core-win-${VERSION%\.*}-build.assert.sig --detach-sign ${VERSION}-win-unsigned/$SIGNER/bitcoin-core-win-${VERSION%\.*}-build.assert
gpg --output ${VERSION}-linux/${SIGNER}/bitcoin-core-linux-${VERSION%\.*}-build.assert.sig --detach-sign ${VERSION}-linux/$SIGNER/bitcoin-core-linux-${VERSION%\.*}-build.assert


pushd ./gitian-builder
./bin/gverify -v -d ../gitian.sigs/ -r ${VERSION}-linux ../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-linux.yml
./bin/gverify -v -d ../gitian.sigs/ -r ${VERSION}-win-unsigned ../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-win.yml
./bin/gverify -v -d ../gitian.sigs/ -r ${VERSION}-osx-unsigned ../bitcoin/contrib/gitian-descriptors/gitian-osx.yml

Push unsigned binary sigs

pushd gitian.sigs
git checkout -b ${VERSION}
git add ${VERSION}-linux/"${SIGNER}"
git add ${VERSION}-win-unsigned/"${SIGNER}"
git add ${VERSION}-osx-unsigned/"${SIGNER}"
git commit -m "Add ${VERSION} unsigned sigs for ${SIGNER}"
git push ${SIGNER} ${VERSION} # pushing to your own repo

signed builds for OSX and Windows (When they are ready)

Once signed builds are available you may want to go back and sign those as well

Windows and Mac signed Builds

notice that these commands use '-s' "signature" flag instead of "-b"

bitcoin/contrib/ -j ${THREADS} -m ${MEMORY_MB} -Ddns ${SIGNER} ${VERSION}

Push & sign, signed binary sigs

pushd gitian.sigs
git add ${VERSION}-win-signed/"${SIGNER}"
git add ${VERSION}-osx-signed/"${SIGNER}"
gpg --output ${VERSION}-win-signed/${SIGNER}/bitcoin-core-win-${VERSION%\.*}-build.assert.sig --detach-sign ${VERSION}-win-signed/$SIGNER/bitcoin-core-win-${VERSION%\.*}-build.assert
gpg --output ${VERSION}-osx-signed/${SIGNER}/bitcoin-osx-signer-build.assert.sig --detach-sign ${VERSION}-osx-signed/$SIGNER/bitcoin-osx-signer-build.assert
git add ${VERSION}-win-signed/${SIGNER}/bitcoin-win-signer-build.assert.sig
git add ${VERSION}-osx-signed/${SIGNER}/bitcoin-osx-signer-build.assert.sig
git commit -m "Add ${VERSION} signed sigs for ${SIGNER}"
git push ${SIGNER} ${VERSION} # pushing to your own repo
