- supports Kong 2.x
- admin only exposed via an admin ELB for dns access and sg security, admin port used for internal and external for lb healthcheck, but not listened on.
- only Community Edition (CE) only
- Linux 2 ami's used instead of ubuntu
- prometheus plugin enabled by default (prometheus not required)
PR's welcomed.
module "kong" {
source = "github.com/miketwenty1/kong-terraform-aws?ref=1.0.0"
vpc = "${var.env}_vpc"
environment = "dev"
redis_subnets = aws_elasticache_subnet_group.elasti_sub.name
db_subnets = aws_db_subnet_group.rds_sub.id
default_security_group = aws_security_group.kong_default.name
ec2_key_name = data.terraform_remote_state.base.outputs.ssh_key_name
ssl_cert_admin = data.terraform_remote_state.base.outputs.acm_cert_domain_extended # if you want extended for "admin.*.domain.example"
ssl_cert_external = data.terraform_remote_state.base.outputs.acm_cert_domain # if you want "*.domain.example"
ssl_cert_internal = data.terraform_remote_state.base.outputs.acm_cert_domain
ssl_cert_manager = data.terraform_remote_state.base.outputs.acm_cert_domain
ssl_cert_portal = data.terraform_remote_state.base.outputs.acm_cert_domain
enable_internal_admin_lb = true
enable_redis = true
enable_deletion_protection = false
asg_health_check_grace_period = 1800
ec2_instance_type = "t3a.small"
enable_external_lb = true
cloudwatch_actions = [data.aws_sns_topic.ops.arn] # topic to publish cloudwatch alerts to
tags = local.common_tags
providers = {
aws = aws.env
- admin_service_lb_sg (for use to help lock down the admin ELB)
- lb_endpoint_internal-admin (for use with route53 / CNAMES / direct access)
- lb_endpoint_internal (for use with route53 / CNAMES / direct access)
- lb_endpoint_external (for use with route53 / CNAMES / direct access)
Kong API Gateway is an API gateway microservices management layer. Both Kong and Enterprise Edition are supported.
By default, the following resources will be provisioned:
- RDS PostgreSQL database for Kong's configuration store
- An Auto Scaling Group (ASG) and EC2 instances running Kong (Kong nodes)
- An external load balancer (HTTPS only)
- HTTPS:443 - Kong Proxy
- An internal load balancer (HTTP and HTTPS)
- HTTP:80 - Kong Proxy
- HTTPS:443 - Kong Proxy
- admin load balancer (HTTP and HTTPS)
- HTTPS:443 - Kong Proxy
- Security groups granting least privilege access to resources
- An IAM instance profile for access to Kong specific SSM Parameter Store metadata and secrets
Optionally, a redis cluster can be provisioned for rate-limiting counters and caching, and most default resources can be disabled. See variables.tf for a complete list and description of tunables.
The Kong nodes are based on Minimal Ubuntu. Using cloud-init, the following is provisioned on top of the AMI:
- A kong service user
- Minimal set of dependencies and debugging tools
- decK for Kong declarative configuration management
- Kong, running under runit process supervision
- Log rotation of Kong log files
- Private and public subnets tagged with a subnet_tag (default = 'Tier' tag)
- (Tags must be explict)! (Tier = "public") and (Tier "private")
- Database subnet group
- Cache subnet group (if enabling Redis)
- An SSH Key
- An SSL managed certificate to associate with HTTPS load balancers