
Demo app that reproduces a reported CakePHP issue

Primary LanguagePHP

CakePHP Application Skeleton demonstrating error thrown by nested join conditions

This application was written to demonstrate the situation described in CakePHP issue #10531.


  1. Clone the repo,
git clone git@github.com:mikeu/cakephp-nested-join-conditions.git
  1. Enter the directory and install its dependencies
cd cakephp-nested-join-conditions && composer install
  1. Edit config/app.php to supply a valid database connection (the issue was encountered using PostgreSQL 9.4).
  2. Create the database tables,
bin/cake migrations migrate
  1. Start the CakePHP development server,
bin/cake server -p 8765
  1. Attempt to view the posts visible to members of group 1, by visiting http://localhost:8765/posts.