
Twitter hit an iceberg, let's replace the ship by Thanksgiving (Nov 24, 2022)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Twitter hit an iceberg, let's replace the ship by Thanksgiving (Nov 24, 2022)

I posted a long Twitter thread, setting the silly goal of a janky replacement by Thanksgiving, which is 13 days away as of the writing of this readme.

About me

I'm 59 tomorrow (Nov 12), I wrote DOS/Windows 3.1 programs using Turbo Pascal/Delphi with bits of assembler, Forth, etc. in the 1980s, I've dabbled in lots of things since then, including a bit of Linux. I've avoided C, but found myself force into it recently in a Nerd Sniping incident. (See my MSTOICAL repo here)

The thread that kicked this off: https://twitter.com/mikewarot/status/1591006254612168706

My goals as of 11/11/22 at 6:30AM CDST

  • A github repo that contains a refined vision of my goals and reasons for them
  • a janky, but working, social network server written in Python

Why python?

  • It's everywhere, and it'll do for now. Something will break it eventually, but as long as it makes it past Christmas or someone forking this with an improved version, I don't care. I'll take the Python as a Second Language penalty
  • Of course I'd rather do it in Pascal, but that would be silly, and MUCH slower, despite being my native programming language


  • Fewer dependances are better
  • Others will rip this code to shreds as they make it better (IF it catches on)
  • I'll learn whatever skills are required to get this done along the way


  • It should work from a Windows or Linux command line and open up web browser in a local interface
  • It should federate, somehow
  • You should be able to run it at home behind a cable modem without lose of function (but not loss of speed, reliability, etc)
  • It should be as simple as is reasonable
  • It should be extensible


  • Python is my second language, please be kind and point out stupid errors constructively
  • I'm not a professional programmer, but I do care about quality, so call me if I slip
  • Add to the Twitter thread, or whatever place you think appropriate with new ideas, constructive criticims, etc.