
Get realtime NHL stats pushed to EOS using OSC from NodeRed running on a separate machine.


Get realtime NHL stats pushed to EOS using OSC from NodeRed running on a separate machine.

This is in absolutely no way affiliated with ETC, and is certainly not endorsed by ETC. Of course, I recommend that you NOT use this during a show.



This started off as a project for me to make a LAN based status board for NHL games. Then, Scott Tusing joked that I should make it also send the data to EOS. So, here we are.

This became part of a larger project: https://github.com/mikewoodld/EOSDataCenter

What You Need

  • Eos Family Console (or Nomad)

  • Network between EOS/Nomad and:

  • Computer running NodeRED (must have internet connection)

    • I use a Raspberry Pi, but it should work on any computer that can run NodeRED

Installation Instructions

Please follow these instructions, in this order, or else it won't work. You must install the two listed nodes below before trying to import HockEOS.

  • Install NodeRED on your machine using the instructions found here:


  • Install node-red-contrib-osc Node:


  • Install node-red-contrib-moment Node:


  • Install node-red-contrib-interval Node:


  • Make sure computer running NodeRED has active internet connection.

  • Make sure that EOS/Nomad and NodeRed computer can talk to each other on a network (Wired recommended)

  • Import HockEOS Flow into NodeRED

    • Put link to flow .JSON file here
  • Set up NodeRED OSC:

    • Double click on the grey UDP node under "Incoming OSC"

      • Set incoming UDP port (3033 default) - this will be your OUTGOING port on EOS. media/node_red_osc_setup_incoming.png
    • Click Done

    • Double Click on the outgoing UDP node to the far right under "Outgoing OSC"

      • Set Address to the IPv4 address of your EOS/Nomad machine
      • Set "to port" to be the Rx port of your EOS/Nomad machine (default 3032) media/node_red_osc_setup_outgoing.png
    • Click DEPLOY to start the Flow

      • Note: anytime you click "deploy," you will need to send /eos/set/push=true again.

Eos Magic Sheet Setup

Subscribe to Team

Tell HockEOS which team you want to see game data for:
        where xxx= 3-digit team code


HockEOS will reply with the next game for chosen team, if there is one, using the data outlined in the next section.

Tells HockEOS how often to send you updates:

where YY is a number of seconds as an integer (Default is 5, accepts 1 through 9999)
HockEOS will reply with:
where ZZ is the number of seconds you specified

Start/Stop Live Updates:

/nhl/set/push=true  (or false)
HockEOS will reply with:
/nhl/out/set/push=true  (or false)

Things you can display

Click here for magic sheet examples

Click here for sample .esf with magic sheet

Right now I'm starting with a limited set of data. There's all kinds of data that the NHL API makes available - you could easily reverse engineer what I've made here to add more data, or you can wait until I add more :)

Game Information

Start Date and Time of Next Game:
        Example Return: "August 2nd, 2020 10:00PM"

Arena Name of Next Game:

        Example Return: "Amalie Arena"

Game Status:

        Example Return: "In Progress"

Game Period:

          Example Return: "1st Period"

Game Period Time Remaining:

          Example Return: "04:20"
          Note: This does not count in realtime, it is the time remaining at the time the API call was made.

Game in Shootout

          Example Return: "SHOOTOUT" or ""

Team Strength:

          Example Return: "4-on-4"

Team Information

Home Team Name:

          Example Return: "Tampa Bay Lightning"

Away Team Name:

          Example Return: "New York Rangers"

Home Team Record :

          Example Return: "(34-1-1)"
          note: W-L-OTL   

Away Team Record:

          Example Return: "(1-34-1)"
          note: W-L-OTL

Home Team OnIce Count:

          Example Return: 5

Away Team OnIce Count:

          Example Return: 5

Power Play Status - Home Team:

          Example Return: "POWER PLAY" or "PENALTY KILL" or ""

Power Play Status - Away Team:

          Example Return: "POWER PLAY" or "PENALTY KILL" or "

Players On Ice - Home Team:

          Example Return: Carriage-return separated list of players on ice

Players On Ice - Away Team:

          Example Return: Carriage-return separated list of players on ice

Players in Penalty Box - Home Team:

          Example Return: Carriage-return separated list of players in box

Players in Penalty Box - Away Team:

          Example Return: Carriage-return separated list of players in box           

Empty Net - Home Team:

          Example Return: "EMPTY NET" or ""

Empty Net - Away Team:

          Example Return: "EMPTY NET" or ""

Score Information

Home Team Current Score:

          Example Return: 6

Away Team Current Score:

          Example Return: 0

Home Team Shots on Goal:

          Example Return: 10

Away Team Shots on Goal:

          Example Return: 20

Home Team Blocks:

          Example Return: 20

Away Team Blocks:

          Example Return: 14

Home Team Hits:

          Example Return: 35

Away Team Hits:

          Example Return: 1

Shootout - Home Team Attempts:

          Example Return: "ATTEMPTS: 2"              

Shootout - Home Team Scores:

          Example Return: "SCORES: 0"

Shootout - Away Team Attempts:

          Example Return: "ATTEMPTS: 2"

Shootout - Away Team Scores:

          Example Return: "SCORES: 0"

The shootout numbers include the leading text on purpose, so that you don't have to make extra text boxes in EOS (since you can't conditionally hide things in EOS)

Play Information

Last Event:

          Example Return: "Stoppage"

Last Action:

          Example Return: "Icing"


          Example Return: "Stoppage - Icing"
          This basically just concatenates the earlier two objects into one.