Try this on

Steps to get this running - I hope:

  • clean ubuntu server (14.04) with ssh keys set up
  • create a user on the server
  • edit config/uniwherebot.conf and to update the user
  • edit with the server's ip
  • cd (locally) to bot_app/, run git init and git remote add production root@<your_ip_or_domain>:/home/git/uniwherebot.git
  • run fab create. This will set up everything. it may go wrong. check your config/ files and so on, pay attention to errors as they may help you.
  • ssh into your server, cd to bot_app and cp settings.ini.sample settings.ini, then edit settings.ini.
  • add a cronjob with cd /path/to/bot_app/ && python in order to update your local db from
  • to test it out (be careful, also the tests may have errors), cd test/, cp text_settings.ini.sample text_settings.ini and edit test_settings.ini. Then you can run python to run a elementary test, or you can fake some message POSTing with python