
NuGet package to facilitate the use of dotnet ef tool and plain SQL for DB migrations.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


The db-migrations-dotnet project provides a process for managing database migrations in any type of project using a simple C# console app and a thin wrapper around Microsoft's Entity Framework and plain SQL files.

In addition to documenting the process, this project provides a set of scripting tools and examples to streamline the process.

Project Goals

For a detailed list of project goals, see ./docs/ProjectGoals.md.


Instructions for getting started: ./docs/GettingStarted.md.

Main documentation: ./docs/DbMigrationsDotnet.md.

Short video clips demoing each common DB migration task: ./docs/Demo.md.

Supported Databases

Currently supported databases:

  • PostgreSQL
  • SQL Server

This project can be extended to support any database that Entity Framework supports. For info on Entity Framework database support, see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/ef/core/providers/.


  • Additional unit testing. Coverlet is wired up and working and ready for more tests.
  • DbSetupCli integration testing. For each database type, spin up a docker container with fresh DB and run tests to exercise setup, teardown, list and bootstrap commands.
  • Add support for additional database types
  • Additional diagrams and documentation showing how each component of this architecture is composed together:
  • Create plan for how to support alternative methods of injecting connection string information into DbContext classes (instead of relying solely on .env files)