
Flat and clean theme for Hexo ❤️.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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A flat and clean theme for Hexo ❤️.


Custom page routes (also support sub page)

Adding routes for hexo pages (only for hexo pages), also support sub pages.

  - about
  - links
  # sub page example
  - awesome-stuff:
    - chapter-1
    - chapter-2
  - amazing-stuff:
    - chaper-1:
      - part-1
      - part-2
    - chapter-2

The directory structure looks like this:


And urls will be:

Other built-in routes are as follows:

Multiple languages

  • 🇨🇳 Simplified Chinese & Traditional Chinese
  • 🇺🇸 English
  • 🇯🇵 Japanese

Support 3 languages for now, default language is English.

Change language at site's _config.yml to take effects.

language: en
# language: zh-Hans
# language: zh-Hant
# language: ja

Disqus comments

  shortname: your_disqus_shortname
  autoload: true

Set autoload to true to auto load disqus, otherwise will display a button.

Social Media

  github: your-github-url
  twitter: your-twitter-url
  gplus: your-google-plus-url
  weibo: your-weibo-url


  1. Install hexo-generator-feed:

    npm install hexo-generator-feed --save
  2. Config site's _config.yml as follows:

      path: atom.xml

Assets path

Prefix/Suffix post assets path with assets filter. Useful for resource cdn.

  prefix: 'https://cdn.example.com'
  suffix: '?m=webp&q=80'

For example, ![cat](images/cat.gif) will convert to ![cat](https://cdn.example.com/images/cat.gif?m=webp&q=80)

Google Analytics

ga: UA-00000000-0

Web App Manifest

The web app manifest is a simple JSON file that gives you, the developer, the ability to control how your app appears to the user in the areas that they would expect to see apps (for example the mobile home screen), direct what the user can launch and more importantly how they can launch it. See here for more information.

  start_url: /
  theme_color: '#2a2b33'
  background_color: '#2a2b33'
    - src: icon-194x194.png
      sizes: 194x194 512x512
      type: image/png
    - src: icon-144x144.png
      sizes: 144x144
      type: image/png

Meta Theme Color

To specify the theme color for Chrome on Android, use the meta theme color.

See here for more information.

Inside changes the meta theme color dynamicly by automatically extracting the color from the thumbnail of each post.

Note this only works for Chrome on Android.


Enhanced front matter

Inside extended the default front matter of your posts with the following properties:

  • author author of the post, optional
  • thumbnail picture which shows on your post header, optional
  • dropcap capitalizes the first character, optional

For example:

title: You've got to find what you love
date: 2005-06-15
author: Jobs
 - people
 - articles
thumbnail: images/people/jobs.jpg
dropcap: true


Site's _config.yml

For best experience, make sure the following default generators have been removed from site's package.json.

And configure the site's _config.yml as follows.

permalink: post/:title/index.html
default_layout: index
pagination_dir: page

Theme's _config.yml

Full configuration of theme's _config.yml can be found here.