
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project Overview

App Name: What's for Lunch?

Don't know what to eat? Let What's for Lunch help you decide!! A simple app to help you decide what to eat nearby.

Project Description

This app will help users decide what to get for lunch. It will randomly generate a place to eat around your location. The user will input their zipcode and it will return a place to eat, as well as a list of restaurants if the user does not like the randomized place.


See folder

Api used

I will be using the Yelp api to get a list of restaurant data. https://www.yelp.com/developers/documentation/v3/get_started


I will be using axios to fetch the data from the Yelp Api. Using random as will as randomly picking a restaurant. I also have geolocation activated.


The obstacles I had was trying to route and link to the right pages and right placement. I also had a problem getting the geolocation to work.


Instead of having the api call from api-helper, I had to put it ino App.js in the componentDidMount funtion. I believe this fixed the issue because of a time delay when it was calling another function from api-helper.

Code Snip

   navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(async (position) => {
     let lat = position.coords.latitude;
     let long = position.coords.longitude;
     let resp = await axios(`${URL}?latitude=${lat}&longitude=${long}`, {
       headers: {
         Authorization: 'Bearer ' + API_KEY
     let restData = resp.data.businesses
     let idx = Math.floor(Math.random() * restData.length)
     restData = restData[idx]
       randomRestData: restData

MVP/PostMVP - 5min

My MVP will be an app thats able to generate a random restaurant once the zipcode has been input. After clicking submit it will display the restaurant with all the restaurant's information. Clicking on restaurants name will link it to the yelp site for more information. If user wishes there is a restaurant list at the bottom if they want to check out other restaurants nearby.

In my Post MVP will incorporate the slackbot to run the app and generate a place to eat along with a timer that will let students know when lunch is over. I will also add the google api to show where the nearby restaurants on the map.


  • Find and use external api
  • Render data on page
  • Allow user to input zip and see restaurants nearby


  • add Google Api
  • add slack bot api

React Component Hierarchy

Header | Homepage | Nav | Restaurant Page | Restaurant List | Footer