Data analytics platform to visualize a snapshot of the current startup world
- Product Owner: Irfan Baqui
- Scrum Master: Mike Yao
- Development Team Members: Brant Choate, Irfan Baqui, Mike Yao
We used D3 and jQuery as front-end data visualization, which is powered by MySQL database and Express server.
Node v0.10.x Bower
Server apiEndpoint:
- Average salaries and # of jobs grouped by skills
- Number of companies grouped by skills
- Average salaries and # of jobs based on location and role filters
Example: '/FilterJobSalaryBySkill/san_francisco|hardware_engineer'
- Number of companies based on location and role filters
Example: '/FilterCompanyBySkill/san_francisco|hardware_engineer'
- Average salaries and # of jobs
- Number of companies
- Average salaries and # of jobs based on skill and role filters
Example: 'FilterJobSalaryByLocation/javascript|developer'
- Number of companies based on skill and role filters
Example: '/FilterCompanyByLocation/javascript|developer'
See for contribution guidelines.