
Primary LanguageHTML


Data analytics platform to visualize a snapshot of the current startup world


  • Product Owner: Irfan Baqui
  • Scrum Master: Mike Yao
  • Development Team Members: Brant Choate, Irfan Baqui, Mike Yao

Table of Contents

  1. Project Summary
  2. Tech Stack
  3. Development
    1. Requirement
    2. API Documentations
    3. Installing Dependencies
    4. Start local server
    5. Deploy to production
  4. Contributing

Project Summary

Tech Stack

We used D3 and jQuery as front-end data visualization, which is powered by MySQL database and Express server.



Node v0.10.x Bower

Api Documentations

Server apiEndpoint:

Skill Report

  • Average salaries and # of jobs grouped by skills
  • Number of companies grouped by skills
  • Average salaries and # of jobs based on location and role filters
Example: '/FilterJobSalaryBySkill/san_francisco|hardware_engineer'
  • Number of companies based on location and role filters
Example: '/FilterCompanyBySkill/san_francisco|hardware_engineer'

Location Report

  • Average salaries and # of jobs
  • Number of companies
  • Average salaries and # of jobs based on skill and role filters
Example: 'FilterJobSalaryByLocation/javascript|developer'
  • Number of companies based on skill and role filters
Example: '/FilterCompanyByLocation/javascript|developer'

Installing Dependencies

Start local server

Deploy to production


See CONTRIBUTING.md for contribution guidelines.