
A python Google Voice notification client

Primary LanguagePython

GoogleVoiceNotify polls the Google Voice XML pages (http://posttopic.com/topic/google-voice-add-on-development), and sends notifications to any number of registered listeners.

At the moment, the Notifier only supports SMS notifications, but adding voicemail, missed calls, etc, is just a matter of writing scrapers for those as well.

1. BeautifulSoup (http://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/)
2. prowlpy (http://github.com/jacobb/prowlpy/tree/master) (which also has its own dependencies such as httplib2)

I've also included a sample client for GoogleVoiceNotify that sends notifications to Prowl (http://prowl.weks.net/), which sends iPhone push notifications.

To use the Prowl listener, you need to create two files in your home directory.
~/.prowlapi (should just contain your Prowl API key)
(optionally) ~/.gvnotify (a config file that should look as follows):
sleep=sleeptime (in seconds)

If you don't make a credentials file, then the prowlgooglevoice.py script will prompt you for a username/password on the command line and default to 60 seconds.

then just do:

python prowlgooglevoice.py

in the same folder where the prowlgooglevoice.py, googlevoicenotify.py files are.

I've also included a bash script that launches/controls the notifier, written by James Bair (in tools/prowl-gv.sh) and a Python daemon written by Brian Baughman (in tools/gv2prowldaemon.py)


from googlevoicenotify import GoogleVoiceNotify
gv = GoogleVoiceNotify('username', 'password')

Though you'll probably want to register at least one listener:

class PrintListener(object):
	def on_notification(self, event, name, message):
		print "(%s) %s said %s" % (event, name, message)

from googlevoicenotify import GoogleVoiceNotify
import time
print_listener = PrintListener()
gv = GoogleVoiceNotify('your_username', 'your_password', listeners=print_listener)
while True: