
A model that classifies 30 second epochs of EEG data from sleeping patients into one of five sleep stages: Awake, REM, Stage 1, Stage 2, and Stage 3

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Sleep stage classification using EEG data with a convolutional neural network

Project Organization

    ├── data
    │   └── raw          : Original data from physionet.org
    ├── graphs           : Summary plots and results saved during model training
    ├── README.md
    ├── report
    │   └── final        : Final project report and presentation slides
    ├── requirements.yml : Python environment description for use with Conda
    ├── src
    │   ├── code         : All ETL, model building, and analysis code
    │   ├── notebook     : Exploratory analysis and data visualization
    │   └── output       : Exploratory analysis and data visualization
    │       └── model    : Saved object of the trained CNN model

Raw Data Download

For reproducibility, the raw data used for this project can be downloaded from physionet.org via

$ rsync -Cavz physionet.org::sleep-edfx data/raw

and a link for this project submission has also been made available on Google Drive.

Regenerating Trained CNN

To replicate the results of this project, first be sure to properly mirror the project's environment using Conda.

$ conda create --name sleep-study --file requirements.yml
$ source activate sleep-study

Once the raw data has been downloaded from Physionet as described above, train and evaluate the model.

(sleep-study)$ cd src/code/
(sleep-study)$ python3 train_sleep.py

The resulting plots and summary metrics will be found in graphs/ and the trained model objects can be found in src/output/model/. Load the trained PyTorch model object back into memory for later use with


Final Reports/Presentations

Links to the final video presentation and slide deck can be found in the final report, saved in report/final/.