Alternative firmware for the Hack Club Hack Hour Clock (Arcade Ticket Counter) that displays the current time using NTP.
- Fixed "midnight bug" in which 12AM or 12PM shows up as 0:XX
- Tuned overflow protection to double check.
- Fixed issues with 12hr cycles
- Fixed Display flashing issues
- Relelaxed NTP syncs from 100ms to 1s
- Overflow protection (prevents negative or unregular hours and times with more than 60 minutes)
- Allows GMT offsets with half hours (EX: IST = GMT+5:30)
- Adjusted calculations for more time zones
- Option to easily disable/enable 12 Hour cycles
- Install Ardunio IDE 2.0 or newer
- Add the Pi Pico W(H) in Additional Board Manager URLs:
Install the following Ardunio Libaries
- ShiftDisplay2: manages the display
- NTPCilent: allows for communication with NTP servers
Download the V1.ino file from the repo.
You can also use the RTCexperimental.ino as another option for a less internet-dependent option but is nowhere near finished
Open it in Ardunio IDE
Plug in the clock and select "Raspberry Pi Pico W" in the proper serial port - If installing this for the first time especially after other firmware, hold BOOTSEL on the rear of the clock before plugging in
Edit the SSID and PASS near the top to match your WiFi
Set the GMT offset on Line 59 by adjusting the "-4" (EST) to yours
Select Verify, wait for the compilation to complete
Select Upload, wait for the Pi to finish flashing
The clock will appear blank for at least 10 seconds - This is normal, the clock is attempting to connect to your WiFi and establish NTP, this may take up to a minute.
Then, the clock will display "SYnC" - The clock has established a connection and calculating the correct time
Then, the clock should display the time
If the clock starts flashing slowly, the clock has lost contact with NTP. Either restart the clock or fix WiFi issues.