
Code for the Nerf Navigation Paper. Implements a trajectory optimiser and state estimator which use NeRFs as an environment representation

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A Navigation Pipeline using PyTorch and NeRFs

Vision-Only Robot Navigation in a Neural Radiance World
Michal Adamkiewicz*, Timothy Chen*, Adam Caccavale, Rachel Gardner, Preston Culbertson , Jeannette Bohg, Mac Schwager
*denotes equal contribution


NeRFs have recently emerged as a powerful paradigm for the representation of natural, complex 3D scenes. NeRFs represent continuous volumetric density and RGB values in a neural network, and generate photo-realistic images from unseen camera viewpoints through ray tracing. We propose an algorithm for navigating a robot through a 3D environment represented as a NeRF using only an on-board RGB camera for localization. We assume the NeRF for the scene has been pre-trained offline, and the robot's objective is to navigate through unoccupied space in the NeRF to reach a goal pose. We introduce a trajectory optimization algorithm that avoids collisions with high-density regions in the NeRF based on a discrete time version of differential flatness that is amenable to constraining the robot's full pose and control inputs. We also introduce an optimization based filtering method to estimate 6DoF pose and velocities for the robot in the NeRF given only an onboard RGB camera. We combine the trajectory planner with the pose filter in an online replanning loop to give a vision-based robot navigation pipeline. We present simulation results with a quadrotor robot navigating through a jungle gym environment, the inside of a church, and Stonehenge using only an RGB camera. We also demonstrate an omnidirectional ground robot navigating through the church, requiring it to reorient to fit through the narrow gap. Videos of this work can be found at this link

Update Log

  • 11/2022: Added visualization and integration of Blender module. There is no longer a need to open Blender in a separate terminal for simulation. Everything is automatic.

Code Structure

For more infomation on the paper see the paper page.


NeRF (Neural Radiance Fields) is a method that achieves state-of-the-art results for synthesizing novel views of complex scenes.

Instant-NGP is an extension that grants enormous performance boosts in inference and training. This repository for navigation is built off of the PyTorch version of NGP.

torch-NGP is an implementation of Instant-NGP in Pytorch.


It is recommended to go to torch-ngp page and install its dependencies there, as our code is an application of their code. If you can begin training without any issues in a conda environment, then you should be able to run our code just fine.

This repo includes not only the navigation code, but also the code necessary to train the models (i.e. the repository is self-sufficient).

How To Run?

File Creation

Create data, paths, and sim_img_cache folders in the workspace.


Following the canonical data format for NeRFs, your training data from Blender should look like the following:

├── model_name                                                                                                  
│   ├── test      #Contains test images      
│   │   └── r_0.png           
│   │   └── ...                                                                                                    
│   ├── train                                                                                  
│   ├── val  
│   └── transforms_test.json  
│   └── transforms_train.json
│   └── transforms_val.json


Run NeRF training. Make sure your training data (from Blender) is located in data/nerf_synthetic/{model_name}. The data folder will not be present when you clone this repository. You will have to create it yourself. This format should be identical to most NeRF repositories. The command to train on Blender scenes is:

python main_nerf.py data/nerf_synthetic/{model_name} --workspace {model_name_nerf} -O --bound {X} --scale 1.0 --dt_gamma 0

It is imperative you set scale to 1.0, so that torch-NGP does not resize the scene dimensions and cause a mismatch between the scale of the model dynamics and that of the NeRF. Set bound to be the bounding box of your Blender mesh. For example, for the Stonehenge scene, we used --bound 2.0. For the Stonehenge scene data and model, please see the pretrained models section below.

Pre-trained Models

Our results are primarily from the Stonehenge scene. The training data (stonehenge), pre-trained model (stone_nerf), and Blender mesh (stonehenge.blend) can be found [here](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/104v_ehsK8joFHpPFZv_x31wjt-FUOe_Y?usp=sharing).


Once training has finished or you've achieved satisfactory results, the checkpoint will be in the {model_name_nerf} folder. You can see our pretrained Stonehenge model as a point of comparison.

Setting up Blender

Make sure to download the latest version of Blender. We will use Blender as our simulation environment. Ensure that the command blender in terminal pulls up a Blender instance.

Note: Make sure there is a Camera object in the scene.


Create a sim_img_cache folder if it is not already there. This is where viz_func.py will read in poses of the robot and return an observation image that simulate.py will perform pose estimation on.

The only command you need to run the entire pipeline is the following:

python simulate.py data/nerf_synthetic/{model_name} --workspace {model_name_nerf} -O --bound {X} --scale 1.0 --dt_gamma 0

It is imperative that the parameters you pass in are the same as those used to train the NeRF (i.e. --bound, --scale, --dt_gamma). All tunable configs (e.g. noise, initial and final conditions) are in simulate.py.

Once the simulation is finished, a Blender instance will appear. The collection {model_name}_visualization will be populated by the initial plan through the scene (traj_init) and the subsequent replans at every time step (traj_{time_step}).


Make sure your start and goal poses are not in occupied zones. If they are, you can change them on lines 236-237 in simulate.py. You will need to open the Blender scene and put in coordinates that are not colliding with the mesh.


Remember to cite the original NeRF authors for their work:

    title={NeRF: Representing Scenes as Neural Radiance Fields for View Synthesis},
    author={Ben Mildenhall and Pratul P. Srinivasan and Matthew Tancik and Jonathan T. Barron and Ravi Ramamoorthi and Ren Ng},

and those of Instant-NGP:

    title = {Instant Neural Graphics Primitives with a Multiresolution Hash Encoding},
    author = {Thomas M\"uller and Alex Evans and Christoph Schied and Alexander Keller},
    journal = {arXiv:2201.05989},
    year = {2022},
    month = jan

and those from torch-NGP:

    Author = {Jiaxiang Tang},
    Year = {2022},
    Note = {https://github.com/ashawkey/torch-ngp},
    Title = {Torch-ngp: a PyTorch implementation of instant-ngp}

and finally our work:

  author={Adamkiewicz, Michal and Chen, Timothy and Caccavale, Adam and Gardner, Rachel and Culbertson, Preston and Bohg, Jeannette and Schwager, Mac},
  journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters}, 
  title={Vision-Only Robot Navigation in a Neural Radiance World}, 