Zabbix WMI connector - discover and retrieve info from MS Windows hosts without installing agent.
Originaly developed by 13hakta.
Original code had several rarely used features and overcomplicated flags, so some refactorisation was done. Also support for several credentials configuration was added
Depends on python library impacket.
Operates in 3 modes:
- Discover objects
- Get multiple values in JSON
Get one value(deprecated)
Command line parameters
usage: zbxwmi [-h] [-action {get,json,discover}] [-namespace NAMESPACE]
-fields FIELDS [-filter FILTER] [-server SERVER]
[-sender SENDER] [-host HOST] [-dc-ip ip address]
[-rpc-auth-level [{integrity,privacy,default}]]
cls cred target
Zabbix WMI connector v0.1.1
positional arguments:
cls <WMI Class>
cred <Credential file>
target <targetName or address>
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-action {get,json,discover}
The action to take
-namespace NAMESPACE namespace name (default //./root/cimv2)
-fields FIELDS Field list delimited by comma
-filter FILTER Filter
-server SERVER Zabbix server
-sender SENDER Zabbix sender
-host HOST Hostname specified in cred config
-dc-ip ip address IP Address of the domain controller. If ommited it use
the domain part (FQDN) specified in the target
-rpc-auth-level [{integrity,privacy,default}]
default, integrity (RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_INTEGRITY)
example CIM path "root/MSCluster" would require
privacy level by default)
Credential file structure:
username = <username>
password = <password>
domain = <domain>
were <zabbix_hostname>
is the hostname on Zabbix server returned by {HOST.HOST}
Scrip supports use of several credentials configurations. If <zabbix_hostname>
given in -host
is not found in credentials file,
then values in [DEFAULT]
are used.
Assume you installed Zabbix Appliance with Ubuntu onboard. Access root shell and install appropriate dependencies.
Put zbxwmi
script to /usr/lib/zabbix/externalscripts
and set permissions:
# cd /usr/lib/zabbix/externalscripts
# chmod 755 zbxwmi
# chown root.root zbxwmi
Install required python modules:
# apt install python3-six python3-pycryptodome python3-pyasn1
Install impacket library.
Download from github or stripped down version sufficient to perform WMI calls.
Unpack contents to any directory and run pip3 install
on it:
# pip3 install /tmp/impacket-master
Create file /etc/zabbix/wmi.pw with structure, described above. Set file access:
# chmod 640 /etc/zabbix/wmi.pw
# chown zabbix.zabbix /etc/zabbix/wmi.pw
Receive disc I/O performance
$ zbxwmi \
-a json \
-host "DEFAULT" \
-fields "DiskWritesPersec,DiskWriteBytesPersec,DiskReadsPersec,DiskReadBytesPersec" \
-filter "Name='_Total'" \
"Win32_PerfRawData_PerfDisk_LogicalDisk" \
"wmi.pw" \
[{"DiskReadBytesPersec": 9845850112, "DiskReadsPersec": 485564, "DiskWriteBytesPersec": 7573131264, "DiskWritesPersec": 334575}]
Discover objects:
Discover local drive partitions
$ zbxwmi \
-action discover \
-host "DEFAULT" \
-fields "DeviceID" \
-filter MediaType=12 \
"Win32_LogicalDisk" \
"wmi.pw" \
Outputs kind of:
{"data": [{"{#WMI.DEVICEID}": "C:"}]}
Usage in zabbix items
Get processor load:
Get disk I/O load:
Zabbix usage
- Create template
- If your credential file located not in /etc/zabbix/wmi.pw, then set template macro
- Create discovery rule with external check script. Rule should look something like this
- Create discrovery item prototypes
- Create main item to receive multiple values
- Create dependent items
with JSON preprocessing$[0].Size
- Create main item to receive multiple values
- Create graph prototype
- Optionally create trigger
- Assign template to MS Windows hosts