
plotting russian gas exports to Europe

Primary LanguagePython

Plotting natural gas deliveries

Data is sourced from the "European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas", aka ENTSO-G.

The ENTSO-G service seems to be under quite some load. I recommend that you use the data files from here so as to not stress out their servers.

In addition, I source data on the EU gas storage levels from GIE (Gas Infrastructure Europe).

Here are the big Russian pipelines I plot right now, with some power numbers from mid March:

  • Poland, from Belarus
    • 15 GW, Kondratki, Yamal
    • 6 GW, Wysokoje, ?
  • Poland, from Ukraine:
    • 3.7 GW, Hermanowice, ?
  • Germany, direct from Russia:
  • Slovakia, from Ukraine:

Dutch deliveries:

To retrieve data yourself

Run ./get-data.sh, but please don't do so too often! Requires 'jq' for some preprocessing.

Run ./get-storage.sh to get EU gas storage levels.

To regenerate the graphs

Use the provided Jupyter notebook, gazmon.ipynb.