Face Recognition

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Used datasets

Name Description Link
celebA_train_500 The dataset is used to train network https://disk.yandex.ru/d/S8f03spLIA1wrw
celebA_ir The dataset is used to calculate TPR@FPR https://disk.yandex.com/d/KN4EEkNKrF_ZXQ


Network Test Accuracy TPR@FPR (fpr=0.05) TPR@FPR (fpr=0.1) TPR@FPR (fpr=0.2) TPR@FPR (fpr=0.5)
ResNet18 + Standard Cross-entropy Loss 0.75 thr = 0.69, tpr = 0.65 thr = 0.67, tpr = 0.76 thr = 0.63, tpr = 0.87 thr = 0.57, tpr = 0.97
ResNet18 + ArcFace + Cross-entropy Loss 0.71 thr = 0.41, tpr = 0.43 thr = 0.29, tpr = 0.58 thr = 0.19, tpr = 0.76 thr = 0.07, tpr = 0.95

Networks weights are located in /trained directory


[1] Jiankang Deng, Jia Guo, Jing Yang, Niannan Xue, Irene Kotsia, and Stefanos Zafeiriou ArcFace: Additive Angular Margin Loss for Deep Face Recognition link

[2] Jiaheng Liu1, Haoyu Qin2, Yichao Wu 2, Ding Liang AnchorFace: Boosting TAR@FAR for Practical Face Recognition link