Maze Problem

Given a maze, find shortest path from initial to destination point.


Get repository: git clone maze_problem

Running tests

You can run unit tests by: python -m unittest from the directory above the package.

If you want to see test coverage, need to install coverage package: pip install coverage. Better use virtual environment.

After package coverage will be installed, run: coverage run --source=maze_problem/solver -m unittest discover && coverage report


Maze provided as tuple of strings, where:

  • '1' - initial position,
  • '2' - destination point,
  • '0' - wall
  • '.' - road


Solution should be provided as list of characters, which show steps direction should be performed to go from initial to destination point.

Direction signs:

  • 'l' - left
  • 'r' - right
  • 'u' - up
  • 'd' - down


maze1 = (
# result - ['d']

maze2 = (
# result - excepti0n

maze3 = (
# result - ['r', 'r', 'd', 'd', 'l' , 'l', 'd']

maze4 = (
# result - ['d', 'd', 'd', 'r', 'r', 'd', 'r', 'r', 'd', 'd', 'd']