=========== USING ALLEGRO5's VBO ==============
============== and a 'Tiled' map ================
Files in this archive:
a5_2d_platformer.tmx ('Tiled' project file)
a5.tsx ('Tiled' tileset file)
TempleTIles.png (background & playfield bitmap by Pyromantic)
a5_2d_platformer_background.csv (background layer exported from 'Tiled' as CSV file)
a5_2d_platformer_gamefield.csv (gamefield layer exported from 'Tiled' as CSV file)
main2.c, main2.h ( C source code)
player.png (player bitmap)
Read Me.txt (this file)
'Tiled' is a map editor software available at: https://www.mapeditor.org/
Graphics for the 'Tiled' map found in this archive were created by: Pyromantic and used here as per the author's license displayed at: https://opengameart.org/content/sunset-temple-tiles (CC-BY 3.0, CC0)
The C source code contained within this archive is made available under CC0 license (without any guarantees/warranties, expressed or implied; as-is).
Usage: You will need to compile the source code (main2.c and main2.h) and link it with Allegro5 library as well as Allegro5 Add-on libraries called 'primitives_addon' and 'image_addon'.
The source code contains:
-a basic loader for CSV layer file exported by 'Tiled' app
-basic collision detection for 2d tilemap/platformer game (no sweeping)
-VBO creation (each tilemap layer is stored as a single VBO/IBO to simplify the drawing)
-simple VBO sprite creation and drawing example