
My CS50 introduction to computer science capstone project! An implementation of a real world mobile banking system using Angular and DjangRestFramework!

Primary LanguageCSS

Dear Harvard CS50 Web programming with python and JavaScript staff

Mobile Banking System Prototype


My project is a prototype of a mobile banking system. Users can deposit by visiting the bank or an ATM in this case these two are denoted by the admin where deposits can be made. From there on they can make transactions these transactions are subject to charges which are proportional to the amount in transit. These features are only available for logged in users. Inside of their account view, users are presented with a ledger view where they can track all their transactions, make new transactions and update their profiles. Adding users and making deposits can only be done at the admin or bank teller view since if these features are accessible to all ordinary users it will be a security breach. My banking system frontend is an Angular 10 Progressive Web Application which consumes the backend services which are provided by my serverside i.e. Django backend APIs. The banking system is fairly secure using both frontend and backend security. The backend app is called serverside and the frontend is called clientside. please not that you need understanding of djangorestframework i.e. rest_framework and angular 10 to undeerstand the logic.

Django backend and JavaScript frontend

My app has two Django models User and Transaction and it uses JavaScript Angular 10 framework for the frontend.

File contents

Taking capstone file as the root of the project and assuming that your system uses the "" file path separator. Please note that directories do not have file format extensions file => file.extension, folder => folder. Period i.e. "." denotes root directory.

Serverside i.e. Django Project


Root folder for the backend section ie Django project.


Sqlite3 database for storing users and transactions data.


File for command line operations in the backend it is auto created by the django-admin startapp project folder.


Folder containing user uploaded profile pictures


Idle and empty folder would have been useful if i intended to store other static files which is a topic for the future.


Django auto created folder when i ran the commmand django-admin startproject serverside in my terminal inside the capstone directory. It contains the project configurations. Note worth in this folder is the settings.py and urls.py file.


In settings.py I have created a property configuring MEDIA_ROOT and MEDIA_URL, I added my bank app alongside two other third party apps rest_framework and corsheaders to the INSTALLED_APPS property array, I added a property for the CORS headers CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST and finally I added 'corsheaders.middleware.CorsMiddleware' in the MIDDLEWARE property array.


In the urls.py file I added the bank app URLs which map to views I have defined in the .\bank\views.py. I added them here because creating them in the bank app was throwing some "redirecting cross origin requests forbidden errors". I also added medial files configurations.


My bank app folder. Contains all the banking system logic.


It is the admin interface configuration file for models defined in .\serverside\bank\models.py. Inside i created two classes inheriting from admin.ModelAdmin, one for the User Model and the other for the Transaction Model.


It stores the model or entity declaration for my banking system i.e. User and Transaction. User Model inherits from django.contrib.auth.models.AbstractUser . It has two three other properties:

  • account_type
  • balance
  • image: i.e. profile picture

Transaction Model inherits from models.Model.

Inside the models file is also a charges function for calculating bank charges.


A file that contains serializer classes for my system models in .\serverside\bank\models.py.


A file containing my url views constructed as classes it mostly depends on rest_frameworks functions and classes. These views return JSON Responses or are RESTFUL in nature. Their responses are serialized JSON objects thanks to the classes in .\serverside\bank\serializers.py.

It has two four classes for the two models. Each model has two classes one for get requests and post requests and the other for get, put and delete.These views inherit from rest_framework.views.APIView. It is important to note that i finnaly commented out the logic for deleting and creating users since these are to be only executed from the bank tellers desk or admin view. I also commented out the logic for updating and deleting posts since it would result in loss of integrity if users could delete or update transactions.

Clientside i.e. Angular 10 project

NB the files are too many to all be referenced hence i will mention a few but if you have a basic understanding of Angular 7+ they are self documenting


NodeJS file for storing project mete data.


Angular project meta data and configurations


Folder containing the clientside application its logic factory (app folder contents), the root index.html, base styles styles.css.


A folder containing clientside\src\environments\environment.ts which contains some global environment data. Not to be edited.


A folder images for my home page carousel it also contains the font-awesome and ionicons libraries. Do not edit.


Main work place contains all that is rendered on the users screen. It has two angular modules: app module and material module.

material module's role is to provide an angular10 material globally accessible environment which it exports from its .\clientside\src\app\material\material.module.ts.

app module bundles up every thing else and it is the one that is booted.


File containing clientside route definations`.


Contains a pipe for formating serverside media urls. Used in application for user profile picture img url.


Contains two services. .\clientside\src\app\services\auth.service.ts and clientside\src\app\services\item.service.ts. The first one is for global authentication and the later is a shared service for exchanging data with server's or Django Backend REST API's.


Interfaces contains a class or interface declaration file .\clientside\src\app\interfaces\user.ts. It is never read because i ruled out he logic for users registering themselves on their own.


A beautiful landing page.


Folder with main component .clientside\src\app\account\account.component for displaying a logged in users bank dash board view. Contains subcomponents for updating user profile, makink transactions, view profile, view transaction, view full ledger view dibit transactions and view credit transactions. It is only accessible if you are logged in or else you will be redirected to home view where you can login from there

Passwords and credentials

To log into the bank account view you use your account number which corresponds to your user id and your password

System Admin

id: 1

username: mikez

password: 1234

System All the other users

id: 2-6

username: varies plus it is not need for authentication purposes

password: 1234

Requirements satisfaction

  1. It contains more than one model in the Python backend models.
  2. It uses JavaScript for the front end in fact it uses a JavaScript framework Angular 10.
  3. My applications UI is responsive to different screen sizes thanks to bootstrap and angular material libraries.
  4. It is fairly distinct from all the other CS50 course projects.