Develop a web application in Python using FastAPI, which provides an API for working with a collection of memes. The application should consist of two services: a service with a public API with business logic and a service for working with media files using S3-compatible storage (eg, MinIO).
docker compose -f "docker-compose.yml" up -d --build
A Python Fast API memes service.
- Programing Language: Python
- Web Framework: FastAPI
- Database ORM: Turtoise
- Database: Postgres
- Storage: AWS S3
- Standards and libraries: Docker, git, github, Swagger
- Added proper security. Create auth data models, data classes, rest endpoints. Use JWT.
- Use AWS instead of an interface
● GET /memes: Get a list of all memes (with pagination).
● GET /memes/{id}: Retrieve a specific meme by its ID.
● POST /memes: Add a new meme (with picture and text).
● PUT /memes/{id}: Update an existing meme.
● DELETE /memes/{id}: Delete a meme.
● Use a relational DBMS to store data.
● Provide error handling and input validation.
● Use Swagger/OpenAPI to document APIs.
● Write at least a few unit tests to test core functionality.
● Write a Readme that explains the functionality of the project and instructions for running it locally for development.
● The project must consist of at least: 1 service with a public API, 1 service with a private API for images, 1 DBMS service, 1 S3-storage service.
● Write docker-compose.yml to run the project.