
Simple TypeScript model factories using decorators

Primary LanguageTypeScript


A Typesafe package to simplify initializing models using TypeScript and Decorators.


Add the @FactoryModel decorator to identify a class that should be able to be factoried

This class will need to implement a static fromJSON method that takes an object of the required parameters and returns a new instance of the class.

Add the @FactoryDefault decorator to add defaults to required class properties

This will set the default value for required constructor parameters

Use factory

Use the factory method by passing in the registered model and invoke the returned factory.

class User {
  public id!: string;

  constructor(id: string) {
    this.id = id;

  static fromJSON({ id }: User) {
    return new User(id);

// then use the `factory` method in your tests!

// all defaults - User { id: '123' }
const user = factory(User)();

// optional overrides - User { id: 'scooby-doo' }
const user = factory(User)({ id: 'scooby-doo' });