
React Route Manager

Primary LanguageTypeScript


This project was generated using Nx.


The intention of the React Route Manager is to provide a simple, opinionated framework for your React application. Reusable configuration is hoisted to promote DRY code with less boilerplate polluting page components or routing.


Page components are of a higher order than regular components in a React application, there is substantial meta application behaviors and data tied specifically to those files. This fundamental coupling is heavily leveraged in the design of React Route Manager.

  • Welcome/ directory for the page, and any child routes
    • Welcome.route.ts Route definition for the page
    • Welcome.tsx Component definition for the page


Once installed, setting up the RouteManager can be setup in one of two ways, depending on (1) if any components outside of the pages require access to the Browser for location or navigation (such as Auth0 callback) and (2)

Simplest, Single Component

In the event that no components outside of the Router require access to the Browser (for useLocation, useNavigate, etc.) then it is possible to setup the router with a single component.

// Router.tsx
const RouteManagerProvider = RouteManagerProviderFactory<RouterState>();

export const Router: ReactFC = () => (
  <RouteManagerProvider routes={routes} state={state} />

This will detect that there is no BrowserRouter setup and will wrap itself accordingly.

Advanced, Manual BrowserProvider Setup

If you require access to the Browser outside of the RouteManager, then you can manually wrap the component and RouteManager in the <BrowserProvider>, this will allow access to the browser. An example is the implementation in the sample application of this library using Auth0.

The RouteRules require authenticated state to determine if the user is a guest or not, for the RouteManager state authenticated: boolean is being included. This callback requires navigation, hence access to the BrowserProvider.

// App.tsx
const App: React.FC = () => (
      <AppRouter />

// Router.tsx
const Router: React.FC<RouterProps> = ({ Wrapper }) => {
  const state = useSelector((state: AppState) => state);

  const {
  } = useAuth0();

  useEffect(() => {
    (async () => {
      let token;
      if (isAuthenticated) {
        token = await getAccessTokenSilently();
      if (token && token.length > 0) {
        localStorage.setItem('token', token);
      } else {
  }, [isAuthenticated, getAccessTokenSilently]);

  if (error) {
    return <div>Oops... {error.message}</div>;

  if (isLoading) {
    return <LoadingFallback />;
  return (
        state={{ ...state, authenticated: isAuthenticated }}

Defining Pages

Defining a page component requires two files:

  1. The page component, such as Users.tsx
  2. The route definition, such as Users.route.tsx, this file defines a class instance of a Route
  • * key - unique symbol to reference this route by
  • * path - URL path for the page
  • * importComponent - function that imports the component
  • * name - name to reference the page by
  • description - optional desription of the page
  • icon - optional icon for certain displays
  • rules - optional ACL with redirect behavior
  • collections - optional collections the route should belong to
  • variants - TODO ?
  • variantsFilter - TODO ?
// Users.route.ts
import { Route } from '@react-route-manager/react-route-manager';

export const USERS = Symbol('Users');

export const USERS_ROUTE = new Route({
  key: USERS,
  path: 'users',
  importComponent: () => import('./Users'),
  name: 'Users',
  icon: faBlind,
  description: 'Users',
  collections: ['nav'],

Defining Rules

Rules are composed in a typesafe format, a RouteRule has two requirements:

  1. * 1...n conditions that are to be evaluated (such as isLoggedIn), defined as the generic RouteRuleEvaluator
  2. * a redirect route for when the condition fails. (TODO: Make optional, move UP the route tree is unsatisfied))
// Rule Evaluator
export const RequiresAuth: RouteRuleEvaluator<{ authenticated: boolean }> = ({
}) => authenticated;

// Rule
export const REQUIRES_AUTH_LOGIN_REDIRECT: RouteRule<{
  authenticated: boolean;
}> = [[RequiresAuth], '/redirect-route-for-guest'];
