
Attempt at making an exemplary project for full stack testing a React App

Primary LanguageTypeScript

React Testing


What it is?

This repository was setup to be an exemplary referential project for an Nx React Application. It is built using the best of modern practices and fully embraces the GitHub ecosystem utilizing GitHub Actions as the driving agent for achieving Continuous Integration.

The project is scaffolded as an Nx Monorepo, inside contains the following:



The web-ui application is the React App.


There are two vscode debug configurations included

  • Launch Chrome against localhost will open a chrome instance to the running application that can be debugged
  • Jest Tests will execute the tests and stop on any breakpoints

The web-ui-e2e application is the setup for the UI Testing using Cypress.

api (todo)

The api is a yet-unused-but-fully-setup barebones NestJs application that exposes some authentication GraphQL endpoints. It is intended to use this api as another testable integration point for the React App.

ui-components-e2e (todo)

The ui-components-e2e application is for UI test around the ui component library included in this Nx Monorepo.



The ui-components library is to demonstrate setting up a reusable component library for the React application. By extracting the reusable components to a separate library, the apps/web-ui can have a narrower focus on business logic instead of presentational setup.

Local Development

Due to being an NX Monorepo, there is a single package.json entrypoint into the project at the root.

  1. Ensure that you're using the correct version of Node via nvm by running nvm use. Please note you must have nvm installed.
  2. Run yarn to install the required dependencies. You'll have access to the standard Nx scripts as well we a few custom ones.
  3. Copy the .envrc.example to .envrc, you'll need to provide a valid GITHUB_API_TOKEN value in order for the integration tests to pass when they attempt to communicate with GitHub.


Storybook has been setup as a visual reference for the component library and can be run using yarn storybook. This will serve Storybook for you to refer to.



The repository has been built with a TDD philosphy. The unit tests can be run using yarn test web-ui, include --watch to enable watch mode.

Coverage Reports

To receive a coverage report around the tests run yarn test:web-ui:coverage. The coverage reports hve been included in the CI pipeline and get commented on the related PR by using the repositories secret GitHub API Token.

The coverage report configuration and acceptable thresholds are configured in the root jest.config.js

  coverageReporters: ['html', 'lcov', 'text'],
  coverageThreshold: {
    global: {
      branches: 90,
      functions: 90,
      lines: 90,
      statements: -40

UI Testing - Cypress

To run the UI tests run yarn e2e web-ui-e2e, include --watch to enable watch mode with the live UI.

Continuous Integration

Continuous Integration has been setup using GitHub Actions. You can refer to .github/workflows/ci.yml for the configuration.