over·arch: Exploration for visitor management system requirements

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Built with React, FastAPI, SQLAlchemy, and PostgreSQL.

To run this project, you'll need to configure AWS Cognito to get access to a user pool and related environment variables. A set of example.env files show what kind of variables exist. Alternatively, you could change the protectedRoutes in main.tsx and remove the _: dict = Depends(get_current_user) from the API routes inside router.py.

When the .env files have been created, aad the Docker images of the client and microservices have been created, you can run: docker compose up.

Stop and remove containers with: docker-compose down.

Locations API

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This project uses FastAPI for setting up a CRUD API for handling locations.

Start with setting up a virtual environment: virtualenv venv, and activate it with venv/bin/activate.

Run pip install -r requirements/dev.txt to install development dependencies.

You'll have to have a PostgreSQL or SQLite database running with the SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI set to point to that database. Check tests/test_crud.py how it uses SQLITE for more context.

Then, when the database is ready to accept connections, you can run inside the locations folder:

uvicorn app.main:app --reload.

You can then find the API locally at http://localhost:8000/docs.

TODO: Handling visitations to said locations and logging access.


This project uses AWS Cognito for user authentication and storing users.

TODO: Setting up a separate Users table and service to handle user information, as AWS Cognito is better at handling auth than user-related information.