
.env file includes

insert this in .env file


/ban USER_ID DAY to ban user for a limited day
/ban USER_ID to ban user permanently
/unban USER_ID to unban user
/invoice to get a custom invoice for this to work you need to set PAYMENT_KEY in .env file

/start and /restart to start or restart the bot

Use of .env file

PORT is the port number on which the bot will run

IS_INLINE is a boolean value to set the bot keyboard to be inline or normal keyboards

PAYMENT_KEY is the payment key for the bot to work with payments if not ignore this

BOT_TOKEN is the bot token that you get from @BotFather

DATABASE_URL is the database url for the bot to work with database if not ignore this

Setup database

  1. Run npm install to install prisma locally
  2. Run npx prisma migrate dev --name init to create the database
  3. Run npx prisma generate to generate the prisma client

How to use

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Run npm install
  3. Run npm run serve to start the bot in development mode
  4. Run npm run build to build the bot
  5. Run npm run start to start the bot in production mode


License & copyright

© Mikiyas Lemlemu 📍 ETHIOPIA 🇪🇹

