- 15
SVG plugin not working
#687 opened by std-microblock - 0
Resolution Scaling
#707 opened by HardlineStudios - 3
Support for multiple pointers / mice
#706 opened by hyblocker - 5
Add an event type like html's `change` event?
#702 opened by AmaiKinono - 3
Assertion failed when removing context-specific render interface after calling Rml::RemoveContext()
#703 opened by maxamula - 3
Document window failed to auto scale after moving
#637 opened by AdjWang - 3
- 11
Can not found the backend any header files
#690 opened by SHIINASAMA - 3
Format text input / transformation
#701 opened by igorsegallafa - 4
For `input` elements, `change` event callback happens before data model is updated?
#668 opened by AmaiKinono - 4
Decorator inheritance / replacing only changed keys
#700 opened by Paril - 4
- 2
Font alpha channel
#698 opened by igorsegallafa - 4
Build without VCPKG
#685 opened by std-microblock - 4
feat: animate `box-shadow`
#688 opened by std-microblock - 6
Bundling the html/rml files
#695 opened by std-microblock - 3
Separate templates into different files.
#696 opened by std-microblock - 1
- 2
Allow custom getter/setter for enum classes?
#693 opened by AmaiKinono - 5
feat: load system fonts automatically
#686 opened by std-microblock - 2
Add support for native tooltips
#692 opened by hyblocker - 1
Implement CSS3 basic arithemetic functions
#691 opened by hyblocker - 4
- 2
Table columns are overlapped inside flexbox
#671 opened by AmaiKinono - 3
Extra hyphen in closing comment marker breaks parsing and rendering
#681 opened by HyperLightResearch - 5
- 1
- 4
- 1
- 7
Hitting assert in `ContainerBox::CatchOverflow`
#657 opened by Paril - 5
Weird sizing of the `select` element.
#666 opened by AmaiKinono - 1
- 2
Transitions for decorators not supported?
#667 opened by v-atamanenko - 2
data-for doesn't have model when it's need it
#662 opened by gleblebedev - 5
Selectable text outside of inputs/textareas
#661 opened by v-atamanenko - 3
#659 opened by iAndyHD3 - 3
Backend namespace should be inside the Rml namespace
#660 opened by iAndyHD3 - 4
source code of a game in the rmlui's galery
#628 opened by Grise3 - 5
Scroll continuously reverts to the top when another element on the document is updated
#656 opened by Paril - 3
TranslateX doesn't change the div width
#652 opened by Lyuu17 - 4
Child doesn't get clipped if width/height is 100%
#650 opened by Paril - 3
Textures leaked during shutdown
#647 opened by hadi-rahimi - 4
nth-child(odd) gets confused by data-if (RmlUi 5.1)
#645 opened by jbatnozic - 4
Debugging modal documents
#642 opened by Paril - 2
- 6
- 3
Nothing renders and app crashes with a minimum example of RmlUI, SDL2, Glad, OpenGL4.6
#633 opened by mtancak - 1
Using glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) when using GL3 renderer and SDL platform results in blank screen.
#626 opened by ben-metzger-z - 2
open a link in the web browser?
#627 opened by Grise3 - 2