
Basic c++ template with gtest integration

Primary LanguageMakefile

C++ Template


This project is mostly for personal use. It's a basic template for compiling and running basic C/C++ code. It also has a basic GoogleTest integration. This feature allows the user to add UnitTest files to the test repository and by including them in the Makefile, they will be compiled and run, providing the test feedback into the console. See below for further usage.



For this to work, GoogleTest must be installed to /usr/local/include on OSX or wherever it can be installed on other OS.

Installing Google Test on OSX

The following will show how to install the GoogleTest library onto your OS X system. This has been tested with GoogleTest version 1.8.1. Feel free to use the latest version, but I cannot guarantee that this installation guide will work then.

First some system details:

  • OS: macOS Mojave, OS X 10.14

I'd recommend installing it in your home ~/, since it will be easier to find and navigate to from the terminal. It will also be easy to delete in the future.

To download GoogleTest, use the following command.

$ curl -fsSL https://github.com/google/googletest/archive/release-1.8.1.tar.gz -o /tmp/release-1.8.1.tar.gz

This will download GoogleTest version 1.8.1 which I will be using, into ~/tmp/release-1.8.1.tar.gz.

Next, unpack the file and create a build/ directory using:

$ tar -xzf /tmp/release-1.8.1.tar.gz
$ mkdir -p /tmp/googletest-release-1.8.1/build

After that, we can make the repository using cmake. If you don't have cmake, you can install it with homebrew using:

$ brew install cmake

To run cmake we must first cd into the build directory, then we can run cmake with some flags.

$ cd /tmp/googletest-release-1.8.1/build
$ cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER="c++" -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-std=c++11 -stdlib=libc++" ../

Now we can make the repository using:

$ make

This will create a googlemock repository, which we can use to install GoogleTest into our system:

$ cd googlemock/gtest

Copy all library files into /usr/local/lib using:

$ cp lib*.a /usr/local/lib

Finally, we need to add gtest to a directory in /usr/local/include so that we can include it and use it in our project.

$ cd ../../../googletest
$ mkdir -p /usr/local/include/gtest
$ cp -r include/gtest /usr/local/include/gtest



The main project can be made using the basic make command:

$ make

To enable debugging (ggdb3), use the following:

$ make DEBUG=1

To run the programs main target, use the following:

$ make run


To use the googletest integration, the proper files in the test folder must be provided. This often consists of cpp files having the TEST functions defined. By including it in the Makefile, the following commands compiles and runs the unittests.

$ make gtest