
Running Spin apps in Minikube using kwasm.sh

Primary LanguageC#

Running a dotnet Spin app in Minikube using kwasm.sh and runwasi

Note: You can skip step 3, if you trust running the container I've made public on ghcr.io/mikkelhegn/mydotnet:v1

  1. Install kwasm.sh with Minikube - https://kwasm.sh/quickstart/
  2. Add the runtimeclass - kubectl apply -f runtime-class.yaml
  3. Build the app and container, or skip ahead to 4
    • Spin app - spin build -f c-sharp/spin.toml
    • Build the container - docker buildx build -tsome-container-registry/username/mydotnet:v1 .
    • Push it - docker pushsome-container-registry/username/mydotnet:v1
    • Change the container image reference in spinapp.yaml
  4. Deploy the app to Minikube - kubectl apply -f spinapp.yaml
  5. Port forward - kubectl port-forward deployment/wasm-spin 8000:80
  6. Call the app endpoint - curl localhost:8000/hello