Welcome to Tech Stack! A technology stack - or tech stack - is a crucial part of developing any web or mobile application.
Developers refer to the term when speaking of the combination of programming languages, software and servers in a project.
a. The user finds two lists on the front page with technologies and frameworks
b. The user clicks a technology to learn more about its functionality and benefits
c. The user creates a profile to access learning guides, quizzes and certifications
d. The user logs in to the website
e. The user opens a learning guide for a step-by-step introduction to the technology
f. The user starts a quiz to test his or her new knowledge on the technology
g. The user takes a certification program for a technology or framework
a. The admin logs in to the administrator page
b. The admin can add, edit or delete any technology or framework
c. The admin can add, edit or delete learning guides
d. The admin can add, edit or delete quizzes with questions
e. The admin can access a list of all certified users
- Front page
- Welcome text
- Overview of technologies
- Overview of frameworks
- Technologies
- Name
- Type
- Frameworks
- Name
- Type
- Library
- Learning guides
- Text
- Illustrations
- Video
- Quizzes
- Questions
- Scoreboard
- Certifications
- Title
- ID
- User
- Result
- Result limit = 100
- User
- Create
- Username, password and email
- Delete
- Quiz results
- Certifications
- Create
- Login
- Username
- Password