
A base project for mocha.js + wd.js based appium smoke tests.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Appium Smoke Tester

This is a WIP.

Use this project as a painless starting point for setting up the necessary environment to start crafting your own smoke tests for Appium. For now, the prime concern is hybrid mobile app tests.

More example test cases will be added as time goes on including interaction testing helpers etc...

Contributions are very welcome - I want this to be a great resource as getting all the parts to work out of the box can be a pain.

Setting up

This project assumes that you have Node.js installed.

I'm a big fan of using localised dependency dev environments. I utilise the awesome direnv to make this happen.

The project root has the necessary .envrc ready.

Any node modules with an executable cli in the local node_modules directory will able to run without installing the global version, i.e. NO npm install -g <module> needed.

Setting up direnv (on mac osx)

brew install direnv

Follow setup instructions here.

cd into the directory where you've just installed the project.

Allow the .envrc file by running the following:

direnv allow

Node modules

Simply npm install at the root of the project. This includes appium.

Running the tests

All the tests will be run locally using a local Appium setup and local app packages.

Start Appium

From the project root, run Appium in a separate shell window.


This should output:

info: Welcome to Appium v1.1.0 (REV e433bbc31511f199287db7724e1ce692bcb32117)
info: Appium REST http interface listener started on
info: socket.io started

Verify the setup works

This runs a test on the iOS simulator against a basic bundled app. The app is native but uses a WebView to perform a google search.

gulp verifySetup

Running the test will fire up the iOS simulator and run the mocha tests.

It should end with this output:

Ending your web drivage..

 > RESPONSE quit()

  1 passing (19s)

Running bundled example hybrid tests

The default gulp task is configured to run a prototypical hybrid test. This is a plain mocha smoke test that checks that login works correctly.

The tests are run against the bundled BeanThere.app found in the /sample-code directory.

On Simulators

iOS for login smoke test

This targets the simulator only, i.e. an i386 .app build.

PLATFORM=ios PRIVATE_USERNAME='username@app.com' PRIVATE_PASSWORD='xxxx' gulp

PRIVATE_USERNAME and PRIVATE_PASSWORD are the target login screen's username and password.

This fires up the iOS simulator and runs the hybrid mocha tests.

Android for login smoke test

I use Genymotion to run tests on a virtual device. Install the personal version as it will save you a ton of time.

The tests work fine against both:

  • Android Kitkat 4.4
  • Android Jelly Bean 4.3

Using Genymotion, install these virtual devices:

  • Google Nexus 5 - 4.4.2 - API 19 - 1080x1920
  • Samsung Galaxy S4 - 4.3 - API 18 - 1080x1920

You have to ensure Genymotion and the specific virtual device are running before the test can be executed. Start a device, test, kill that device, move to next device and repeat.

Also, ensure that ANDROID_HOME is setup correctly,


This should output something similar to below - i.e. the path to your Android installation:


Running the actual test:

PLATFORM=android APP_PACKAGE='com.domain.appname' APP_ACTIVITY='.ActivityName' PRIVATE_USERNAME='username@app.com' PRIVATE_PASSWORD='xxxx' gulp

PRIVATE_USERNAME and PRIVATE_PASSWORD are the target login screen's username and password.

This fires up the Android virtual device and runs the hybrid mocha tests.


These are ENV variables picked up from the project's AndroidManifest.xml.

In Apache Cordova projects, this is found at./platforms/android/AndroidManifest.xml


  • APP_PACKAGE: is the package attribute in the manifest node.
  • APP_ACTIVITY: is the android:name attribute prefixed with a '.' in the application/activity node.

On Device


Building app for running on device

We have to ensure that the app has been compiled for a device (armv7 build) and has been signed with a developer cert.

Also, the device used should be already be configured as a trusted development device in Xcode.

We can confirm both these assumptions using this command

Code sign info:

codesign -dvvv /path/to/app


Format=bundle with Mach-O thin (armv7)
CodeDirectory v=20200 size=9793 flags=0x0(none) hashes=480+5 location=embedded
Hash type=sha1 size=20
Signature size=4000
Authority=iPhone Developer: Joe Dev (XXXXXXXX)
Authority=Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority
Authority=Apple Root CA
Signed Time=23 Jun 2014 12:14:17
Info.plist entries=30
Sealed Resources version=2 rules=5 files=198
Internal requirements count=2 size=980

The Format field verifies the target env (armv7 or otherwise). The Authority field verifies that the app has been signed.

To build for device and code sign

Use the xcodebuild command (and substitute for your own app). The build.xcconfig is conveniently bundled with the project:

xcodebuild -xcconfig "./build.xcconfig" -project "path/to/xcode/project/file/PROJECT_NAME.xcodeproj" ARCHS="armv7 armv7s arm64" -target "PROJECT_NAME" -configuration $CONFIGURATION -sdk iphoneos build VALID_ARCHS="armv7 armv7s arm64" CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR="path/to/build/dir/device"
To only code sign

Find available signing identities using:

security find-identity |  sed -n 's/.*\("[^"]*"\).*/\1/p' | grep 'iPhone'

To actually code sign:

codesign -v --sign "iPhone Developer: Joe Dev" /path/to/app

Setting up a debug proxy

Provided your device is connected using a USB cable, find your UDID using the shell:

system_profiler SPUSBDataType

This prints all attached USB devices. Look for your iPhone's serial number. That is the UDID.

Ensure you have the ios-webkit-debug-proxy proxying your device.

ios_webkit_debug_proxy -c UDID:27753 -d

Installation instructions here.

I have seen some issues getting the proxy to run. This helped resolve my issues: google/ios-webkit-debug-proxy#59

Running tests

After all the pieces come together, run



Ensure your device is attached as a usb device. Then simply run:

PLATFORM=android APP_PACKAGE='com.domain.appname' APP_ACTIVITY='.ActivityName' PRIVATE_USERNAME='username@app.com' PRIVATE_PASSWORD='xxxx' gulp