READ: READ Engaging, Awesome Documents

I've encountered many excellent resources on programming, data, math, and other technical subjects that I've kept scattered across bookmarks and text documents. Maintaining my lists is a pain with little benefit as I've lost them many times regardless. Oops.

Everyone seems to be uploading excellent lists of excellence these days, so I thought I should hop on that bandwagon as well! The resources in my lists are not the best resources per topic total but simply articles and books that I enjoy. Furthermore, inclusion does not imply that I've fully read the material. Some of the resources look great so I shall get to them later.

I tend to link many of the statistics resources (such as the myriad R and Python texts) to colleagues. I've used chapters from some of these texts in class despite not reading through them fully yet. So, I can say that many of these texts are not random and untested, at least.

The lists are incomplete, disorganized, and woefully inadequate. Feel free to suggest resources as fit.