Stream layout stuff for MikkisGuy Twitch streams
- Thanks RoryPlays for inspiration!
- CSS Reset
- Color palette ideas
- Header bar
- Separate versions
- Minecraft: floating bar
- Development: full width top bar
- Shows: Subs, Raids, Followers, Counter
- When data arrives (Twurple), shows some kind of card under the bar slot and animates it
- Fade in/fade out or sliding from under the bar
- "New follower!" and maybe some emoji ❤
- Separate versions
- Info card
- Displays data from json file one after another
- One card is displayed 8 seconds, then hides for 5-10 minutes
- Card in bottom left corner with icon/image, title and short content text
- Border color based on social platform etc?
- Fades in/out
- Intro scene
- With 5 minutes counter
- Welcome text
- Outro scene
- Thanks for watching text
- List of followed etc people during the stream
- Social/info cards?
- "Check schedule from Twitch page"
- Break scene
- Break text