
Will diff GLTF models to create GLTF variants

Primary LanguageTypeScript

GLTF Variant Generator

A module which can be used to create GLTF Models with variants.

What is a variant?

Let's look at a real world example. We have three variants of a t-shirt:

  1. A small red t-shirt
  2. A medium red t-shirt
  3. A large blue t-shirt

In this case the options for a t-shirt are:

  1. Red or Blue
  2. Small, Medium, or Large

How are variants implemented in GLTF models?

There are two places where variants are defined:

  1. Primitives
  2. Nodes

If we take the t-shirt example from abouve Nodes will handle sizing of the t-shirt and Primitives will handle the material of the t-shirt through material changes.

Node Examples

The following is a series of examples where variants are defined through tags.

Example: a shoe in two sizes

The following represents a node which is a shoe in two sizes.

  "name": "shoe",
  "mesh": 0,
  "extensions": {
    "SHOPIFY_variant": [
        "tags": [
        "tags": [
        "mesh": 1

There are two meshes one that is a Size 8 shoe and a Size 9 shoe.

By default this node represents the size 8 shoe. mesh: 0 is the mesh representing size 8. mesh: 1 represents size 9.

Example: a t-shirt in 3 sizes

The following represents a node which is a t-shirt in three sizes.

  "name": "t-shirt",
  "mesh": 0,
  "extensions": {
    "SHOPIFY_variant": [
        "tags": [
        "tags": [
        "scale": [1.1, 1.1, 1.1]
        "tags": [
        "scale": [1.2, 1.2, 1.2]

In this example there is only one mesh but the mesh is scaled for each size.

By default this node represents the small shirt. The medium t-shirt is 10% bigger than the small shirt. Finally the large shirt is 20% bigger than the small shirt.