
Instructions & scripts to setup a Windows + Linux subsystem environment

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT

Installation of Win + Linux subsystem environment

The aim of these instructions and scripts is to quickly setup a working Windows + Linux subsystem environment for development and general office usage.

Preconditions: Win10/Win10pro/Win11 installed

Repo contents

  • InstallTools.ps1 contains a powershell script to install Chocolatey (if not installed) and then install all the packages listed in toolspackages.txt using Choco.
  • toolspackages.txt contains a list of packages to install in Windows
  • checksha512.ps1 contains a Powershell script for checking the SHA512 of a file against the SHA512 value given in a second file. Usage like checksha512.ps1 file1.exe file1.exe.sha512


  1. Activate WSL2 & set linux user creds
  1. Set Powershell default execution policy for user
  • In admin powershell, run Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser -Force
  1. Install Chocolatey Package Manager and packages using script
  • Make sure you are in the root dir of this repo
  • In admin powershell, run .\InstallTools.ps1. This will install Choco and use it to install all packages listed in toolspackages.txt.
  1. Install AWS SAM CLI
  1. Install AWS CloudFormation Linter
  • Install CFN-lint and Pydot (visualizing) with pip using pip install cfn-lint and pip install pydot
  1. Install NoSQL Workbench for Amazon DynamoDB
  1. Install VS Code extensions
  • Python
  • Jupyter
  • Go
  • AWS Toolkit
  • CloudFormation Linter
  • Git Extension Pack
  • Git Graph
  • Docker