Simple freight forwarding business implementation
- Laravel - PHP web framework
- Users can place a shipping order.
- Users can pay with PayStack.
- Users can receive emails of new shipping orders.
- Admin Users can receive emails of new shipping orders.
- git clone SuperFreighters
- Run
composer install
to install packages . - Copy .env.example file, create a .env file if not created and edit database credentials there .
- Copy .env.example file, create a .env.testing file if not created and edit database credentials there for testing, you can use in-memory db sqlite (Optional).
- Run
php artisan key:generate
to set application key to secure user sessions and other encrypted data . - Change QUEUE_CONNECTION=sync to QUEUE_CONNECTION=database in .env .
- Configure Mail information in .env .
- Run
php artisan queue:table
to create jobs table and save queue list . - Run
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
to run database migrations and seed admin user data. - Run
php artisan queue:listen
to listen and run new email jobs as they are pushed onto the queue . - Run
php artisan serve
to start the server . - Run
orphp artisan test
to run tests .