
Repository for all CSCD300 Work

Primary LanguageJava


HW 3: Due 2/5

Completion (as of 2/5:)

  • reverse:✔️
  • reverse2:✔️
  • reverse:✔️
  • countSpace:✔️
  • myContains:✔️
  • div:✔️
  • isSum24:✔️
  • reverseArray:✔️
  • recursiveSelectionSort:✔️

HW 2: Due 1/29

Completion (as of 1/26:)

  • addLast: ✔️
  • subListOfSmallerValues: ✔️
  • removeStartingAtBack: ✔️
  • lastIndexOf: ✔️
  • retainAll: ✔️
  • insertionSort: ✔️

HW 1: Due 1/18

Completion (as of 1/18:)

  • RemoveFirst: ✔️
  • contains: ✔️
  • remove: ✔️
  • removeAllCopies: ✔️
  • interleave: ✔️
  • add: ✔️
  • get:✔️
  • remove:✔️
  • add: ✔️