☭ 紅色背景偵測器 ☭ 喺一個幫你喺上緊網嘅時候,自動辨認紅色背景嘅公司、牌子、字句等等嘅 browser extension,現時支援嘅瀏覽器包括 Chrome, Firefox, Safari, 同埋 Opera。
- 時刻警惕究竟身邊有咩餐廳、時裝、電影院、足球隊、汽車、酒店、電器、出版社、報紙、航空公司等等等等喺已經被染紅。
- 偵測匪語:將「優才」、「進軍」、「打造」等非香港語加上適當嘅襯托。
- 疫症等級:如果覺得一對 ☭鐮刀斧頭☭ 唔夠,可以自行調整。
- 按照網址暫停偵測:如果遇到太過紅色嘅網站,睇到頭暈,可以設定暫停偵測。
- 染紅列表更新:列表會無時無刻(即係都唔知幾時)keep住更新,所以記住要每隔幾個禮拜就㩒吓呀!
用Chrome, Chromium, Iridium, 或者 Vivaldi 嘅人可以到 Chrome Web Store 下載。
- 安裝 TamperMonkey
- https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/32151-%E7%B4%85%E8%89%B2%E8%83%8C%E6%99%AF%E5%81%B5%E6%B8%AC%E5%99%A8
用 Opera 嘅人請先安裝 Download Chrome Extension,跟住照Chrome系列瀏覽器嘅程序安就得。
如果你發現有未入表嘅染紅公司,歡迎到上面「issues」page 單聲!
- master - Base for files common to all branches
- chrome - Fork of master for Chrome
- firefox - Fork of master for Firefox (WebExtension)
- userscript - Userscript version for Safari
The majority of development should happen in master or a feature branch based on master if something drastic is being tried out.
When it comes time to release, something like this should happen:
# from master
git pull
git checkout chrome
git merge master
# then make any changes necessary to manifest.json
git tag v14.8.1-chrome
For a Firefox release, you'd replace chrome
with firefox
The only file that really needs to differ between Chrome and Firefox is
, so the master branch should not have a manifest.json
to prevent merge conflicts in the future.