
🔍 Fuzzy search for PHP based on the Bitap algorithm

Primary LanguagePHPApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

The Fuse logo, a violet asterisk, in reference to the Fuse.js logo


Tests Packagist

A fuzzy search library for PHP based on the Bitap algorithm

This is a PHP port of the awesome Fuse.js project and provides 100% API compatibility.

Latest compatible Fuse.js version: 3.6.1

For an approximate demonstration of what this library can do, check out their demo & usage.


This package is available via Composer. To add it to your project, just run:

composer require loilo/fuse


require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

$fuse = new \Fuse\Fuse([
    "title" => "Old Man's War",
    "author" => "John Scalzi"
    "title" => "The Lock Artist",
    "author" => "Steve Hamilton"
    "title" => "HTML5",
    "author" => "Remy Sharp"
    "title" => "Right Ho Jeeves",
    "author" => "P.D Woodhouse"
], [
  "keys" => [ "title", "author" ],


  [0] => Array
      [title] => The Lock Artist
      [author] => Steve Hamilton
  [1] => Array
      [title] => HTML5
      [author] => Remy Sharp


keys (type: array)

List of properties that will be searched. This supports nested properties, weighted search, searching in arrays of strings and associative arrays etc:

$books = [
    "title" => "Old Man's War",
    "author" => [
      "firstName" => "John",
      "lastName" => "Scalzi"
$fuse = new \Fuse\Fuse($books, [
  "keys" => [ "title", "author.firstName" ]

id (type: string)

The name of the identifier property. If specified, the returned result will be a list of the items' identifiers, otherwise it will be a list of the items.

caseSensitive (type: bool, default: false)

Indicates whether comparisons should be case sensitive.

includeScore (type: bool, default: false)

Whether the score should be included in the result set. A score of 0 indicates a perfect match, while a score of 1 indicates a complete mismatch.

includeMatches (type: bool, default: false)

Whether the matches should be included in the result set. When true, each record in the result set will include the indices of the matched characters: "indices" => [ $start, $end ]. These can consequently be used for highlighting purposes.

shouldSort (type: bool, default: true)

Whether to sort the result list, by score.

getFn (type: function, default: \Fuse\Helpers\deep_value)

The get function to use when fetching an associative array's properties. The default will search nested paths like foo.bar.baz.

 * @param {array|object} $data The object or associative array being searched
 * @param {string}       $path The path to the target property

'getFn' => function ($data, $path) {
    // Example using a ->get() method on objects and simple index access on arrays
    return is_object($data)
        ? $data->get($path)
        : $data[$path];

sortFn (type: function, default: sort by score)

The function that is used for sorting the result list.

location (type: int, default: 0)

Determines approximately where in the text is the pattern expected to be found.

threshold (type: float, default: 0.6)

At what point does the match algorithm give up. A threshold of 0.0 requires a perfect match (of both letters and location), a threshold of 1.0 would match anything.

distance (type: int, default: 100)

Determines how close the match must be to the fuzzy location (specified by location). An exact letter match which is distance characters away from the fuzzy location would score as a complete mismatch. A distance of 0 requires the match be at the exact location specified, a distance of 1000 would require a perfect match to be within 800 characters of the location to be found using a threshold of 0.8.

maxPatternLength (type: int, default: 32)

The maximum length of the search pattern. The longer the pattern, the more intensive the search operation will be. Whenever the pattern exceeds the maxPatternLength, an error will be thrown. Why is this important? Read this.

verbose (type: bool, default: false)

Will print out steps. Useful for debugging.

tokenize (type: bool, default: false)

When true, the search algorithm will search individual words and the full string, computing the final score as a function of both. Note that when tokenize is true, the threshold, distance, and location are inconsequential for individual tokens.

tokenSeparator (type: string, default: / +/g)

A regular expression string used to separate words of the search pattern when searching. Only applicable when tokenize is true.

matchAllTokens (type: bool, default: false)

When true, the result set will only include records that match all tokens. Will only work if tokenize is also true.

findAllMatches (type: bool, default: false)

When true, the matching function will continue to the end of a search pattern even if a perfect match has already been located in the string.

minMatchCharLength (type: int, default: 1)

When set to include matches, only those whose length exceeds this value will be returned. (For instance, if you want to ignore single character index returns, set to 2)


The following methods are available on a Fuse\Fuse instance:


@param {string} $pattern The pattern string to fuzzy search on.
@return {array} A list of all search matches.

Searches for all the items whose keys (fuzzy) match the pattern.


@param {array}  $list The new data to use
@return {array}       The provided $list

Sets a new list of data for Fuse to match against.

Weighted Search

In some cases you may want certain keys to be weighted differently for more accurate results. You may provide each key with a custom weight (where 0 < weight <= 1):

$fuse = new \Fuse\Fuse($books, [
  "keys" => [
      "name" => "title",
      "weight" => 0.3
      "name" => "author",
      "weight" => 0.7


Before submitting a pull request, please add relevant unit tests to the test folder.

Please note that I'm striving for feature parity with the original Fuse.js and therefore won't add own features beyond bug fixes.