Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Developement/Deployment/Deliver (CD) on AWS.

AWS DevOps Essentials : An introductory workshop on CI/CD practices

  • From https://github.com/awslabs/aws-devops-essential

  • AWS CodeCommit (store code in private git repo)

  • AWS CodeBuild (fully managed build service)

  • AWS CodePipeline (fully managed continuous delivery service)

  • AWS CodeDeploy (automated application deployment service)

  • Jenkins (open source automated build server)

  • AWS Cloud9 (cloud-based integrated integrated development environment IDE)

Lab1 Build project on the cloud

  • Setup AWS Cloud9 IDE.
  • Create a AWS CodeCommit Repository.
  • Clone the Repo to Cloud9.
  • Commit changes to Remote Repo in CodeCommit.
  • Prepare Build Service (create project in CodeBuild).
  • Build the code on cloud (using CodeBuild).

Lab2 Automate deployment for testing

  • Prepare environment for testing (create VPC, IGW, route tables, ACL, EC2 instances)
  • Create CodeDeploy application and deployment group.
  • Prepare application for deployment (appspec.yml & update buildspec.yml).
  • Deploy an application revision.

Lab3 Setup CI/CD using AWS CodePipeline

  • Create a pipeline.
  • Create CodeDeploy deployment group for production.
  • Edit a pipeline (add stages).
  • Add manual approval action.
  • Approve or reject an approval action in CodePipeline.

Lab4 Using Lambda as test stage in CodePipeline

  • Create a sample Lambda function.
  • Add the Lambda function to a pipeline in CodePipeline.
  • Test the pipeline with the Lambda function.