It is from the tutorials of A cloud guru Ltd.
- "AWS CloudFormation" course by Fernando Honig.
- "Advanced AWS CloudFormation" course by Adrian (5-start course!).
- "AWS CodeDeploy" by Alex Glover.
- create a new s3 bucket and AWS assigns name to it randomly.
- create a new s3 bucket and pre-define name for it.
- 1 VPC
- 4 subnets (2 on each az)
- 3 route tables
- 1 internet gateway
- 2 NAT gateway (1 on each az)
- 2 elastic IPs (1 for each NAT gateway)
- codedeploy infrastructure setup
- WordPress hosting website is build on LAMP stacks.
- automatically install and configure Wordpress.
- end2end, 1-click deployment & self-service portal.
- serve global large and small customers.
- To allow the developers/pre-sale/QA to deploy a specific version of application into its own dedicated application environment. Optionally, to provide access to the environment to customers.
- It does not require access to AWS console. Staff can deploy application environment without requiring access to AWS console. * They can browse webpage, click button then have a fully functioned provisioned application environment available in 10 minutes.
- They can delete the environment in the same portal page.