Advent of Code 2022

This year for instead of solving the puzzles, try to reimplement reddit solutions in as many languages as possible. See

Languages to try:

  • Python
  • R
  • Julia
  • C#
  • C (not C++)
  • Rust
  • Go
  • JavaScript
  • MATLAB/Octave

C/C++ VSCode setup

Can be set up with C/C++ extension in either Windows or WSL.


On Windows install Build Tools for Visual Studio 2022 which adds "x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2022" & PS to the Windows Start Menu.

Or open the Visual Studio Installer. Installing MSVC requires a subscription.

IMPORTANT! Select "Desktop Development with C++" or cl.exe will not be available. Open the Build Tools Command Prompt and enter cl.exe to test.

See VS2022 component ID listing

IMPORTANT! Start "x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2022", navigate to working folder, and execute code . to start VSCode with build tools enabled.


Install gcc and gdb using apt.


Read these links carefully to learn how to run & debug c/c++ in vscode.

C# (Windows)

Requires .NET SDK v6 or v7,


Requires R CRAN package languageserver. This is available from Ubuntu using, but instead install from source.

NOTE! Requires xml2 and libxml2-dev, install first using apt. May need to install using --no-lock.


Requires Julia Language Server

Golang (aka Go)

A bit of nightmare, but easy if you just install latest version following these directions, follow VSCode Go plugin instructions, and add "dlvFlags": ["--only-same-user=false"] to the launch.json