
A python tool for managing M3U playlists.

Primary LanguagePython

m3u checker

This project is a Python application for managing M3U playlists. It provides functionalities to check the validity of links in a playlist, merge multiple playlists into one, and more.


Clone and install libraries

git clone https://github.com/mikoker/m3u-checker.git
cd m3u-checker
pip install -r requirements.txt


The main entry point of the application is main.py. When you run this script, you will be presented with the following options:

  1. Check links in a playlist
  2. Merge playlists
  3. Exit

Check Links in a Playlist

This option will ask you for a path to a playlist file. It will then check all the links in the playlist and generate a new playlist file containing only the valid links.

Merge Playlists

This option will ask you for the number of playlists you want to merge and the paths to the playlist files. It will then merge all the playlists into one and generate a new playlist file containing all the tracks from the input playlists.

Utils Class

The Utils class provides several static methods for working with playlists:

  • detect_encoding(path: str) -> str: Detects the encoding of a file.
  • parse_m3u(file: TextIO) -> List[Dict[str, str]]: Parses an M3U file and returns a list of tracks.
  • check_link(link: str) -> str: Check if a given link is valid and returns it if it meets the criteria.
  • check_links(links: List[str]) -> List[str]: Checks a list of links and returns a list of the valid links.
  • generate_m3u(playlist: List[Dict[str, str]], file: TextIO) -> None: Generates an M3U file from a list of tracks.
  • merge_playlists(*playlists: List[Dict[str, str]]) -> List[Dict[str, str]]: Merges multiple playlists into one.

Example usage

from utils import Utils

# Detect the encoding of a file
encoding = Utils.detect_encoding('path_to_your_file')
print(f'Encoding: {encoding}')

# Parse an M3U file
with open('path_to_your_m3u_file', 'r', encoding=encoding) as file:
    playlist = Utils.parse_m3u(file)
print(f'Playlist: {playlist}')

# Generate an M3U file
with open('path_to_your_output_file', 'w', encoding=encoding) as file:
    Utils.generate_m3u(playlist, file)

# Extract the URLs of the tracks from the playlist
links = Utils.extract_links(playlist)
print(f'Links: {links}')

# Check if a given link is valid and returns it if it meets the criteria.
valid_link = Utils.check_link('http://example.com')
print(f'Valid link: {valid_link}')

# Check a list of links and return the valid ones
valid_links = Utils.check_links(links)
print(f'Valid links: {valid_links}')

# Merge multiple playlists
merged_playlist = Utils.merge_playlists(playlist, playlist)
print(f'Merged playlist: {merged_playlist}')


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


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