
Index arithmetic for symmetric tensors

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Index operations for symmetric tensors (aka multinomials). In a r-th order symmetric tensor over a d-dimensional vector spaces, we can think of the indices in 3 different ways:

  • As a tensor index (ie an array of length r with values of length d)
  • As a polynomial degree (ie an array of length d with values up to r)
  • Or a flattened array index (a scalar number between 0 and (d + r - 1) choose r )

The code in this library can be used to convert between these indices. For more details see:


npm install symmetric-tensor-index


var sym = require("symmetric-tensor-index")

sym.nextTensor(dimension, rank, seq[, index])

Finds the index of the next entry in the tensor.

  • dimension is the dimension of the tensor
  • rank is the rank of the tensor
  • seq is the tensor index
  • index is the array index (optional)

Returns The next array index. seq is updated in place.

sym.tensorToDegree(dimension, rank, seq[, result])

Converts a tensor index to a degree index

  • dimension dimension of vector space
  • rank rank of the tensor
  • seq is the tensor index
  • result (optional) gets the resulting computation

Returns result

sym.tensorToArray(dimension, rank, seq)

Converts a tensor index to an array index

  • dimension dimension of vector space
  • rank rank of the tensor
  • seq is the tensor index

Returns The array index of the tensor entry

sym.degreeToTensor(dimension, rank, degrees[, result])

Converts a degree index to a tensor index

  • dimension dimension of vector space
  • rank rank of the tensor
  • degrees is the degree index
  • result is the result (optional)

Returns result

sym.degreeToArray(dimension, rank, degrees)

Converts a degree index to an array index

  • dimension dimension of vector space
  • rank rank of the tensor
  • degrees is the degree index

Returns The array index of the degree sequence


(c) 2013 Mikola Lysenko. MIT License