Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) preparation

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT


Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) preparation Preparation to CKAD exam for developers. This repo collects or exersices, documentaion references and labs as well.


  • Docker knowledge
  • Linux concepts
  • K8S basic
  • Kubernetes local cluster, see here


  • Core Concepts - 13%
  • Multi-container pods - 10%
  • Pod design - 20%
  • Configuration - 18%
  • Observability - 18%
  • Services and networking - 13%
  • State persistence - 8%

Core concepts

  • Kubernetes API primitives here
  • Creating PODs here
  • Namespaces here
  • Container configuration here
  • ConfigMaps here
  • Security Contexts here
  • Resource Requirements here
  • Secrets here
  • Service Accounts here

Multi-container pods

  • Multi-container pods here


  • Container logging here
  • Debbuging in Kubernetes here
  • Monitoring of applicatons here
  • Probes here

Pod design

  • Deployments here
  • Jobs and cronjobs here
  • Labels and selectors here
  • Rolling Updates here


  • Configmaps here
  • Resource requirements here
  • Secrets here
  • Security context here
  • Service accounts here

Services and networking

State persistence

  • PV Volumes and claims here
  • Volumes here