
  • Install Ansible > 4

  • Install Make

  • Create (if necessary) account at Terraform Cloud

  • Create (if necessary) account at Datadog

  • Login into Terraform CLI under your Terraform Cloud account

  • Get secret vault_password file and place it to ./ansible/.vault_password.

  • Call make setup to install prerequisites and initiate terraform

  • Ensure you have the following variables in your Terraform Cloud account or put them into the file with *.auto.tfvars extension:

do_token /* DigitalOcean Personal Access Token */
pvt_key /* Private ssh key location, so Terraform can use it to log in to new Droplets */
datadog_api_url /* The datadog API URL */
datadog_api_key /* The datadog API key */
datadog_app_key /* The datadog APP key */
region /* Optional. Services region to use */
datadog_query /* Optional. The monitor query to notify on */
app_port /* Optional. Port your application runs at */
db_name /* Optional. Name of the database to use */

To create infrastructure using Terraform run:

  make build-infrastructure

To deploy an app run:

  make deploy