
web3 ethiopia

Primary LanguageSolidity

Web3-Class-Code Repository

Welcome to the Web3-Class-Code repository! This repository serves as the single source of truth for all student contributions for our Web3 Ethiopia classes. It's where you can submit your code for review, explore the work of your peers, and collaborate to learn from each other.

How to Contribute

Contributing to this repository involves creating a Pull Request (PR) with your code. Each student should use a specific folder named after themselves for their submissions. Below, you'll find step-by-step instructions on how to do this.

Step 1: Fork the Repository

  1. Navigate to the Web3-Class-Code repository.
  2. In the top-right corner of the page, click the "Fork" button.
  3. This will create a copy of the repository in your GitHub account.

Step 2: Clone Your Fork

  1. On your GitHub account, navigate to the forked repository.
  2. Click the "Code" button and copy the URL provided.
  3. Open your terminal and run the following command:
    git clone [URL you copied]
  4. Navigate into the cloned directory:
    cd Web3-Class-Code

Step 3: Create a New Branch

  1. Create a new branch using your name or a specific feature name:
    git checkout -b [your-name-or-feature]

Step 4: Add Your Code

  1. Inside the repository, create a new folder named after yourself.
  2. Add your project files and code to this folder.
  3. Create a README.md file inside your folder. This should explain what your code does and any other notes you want to include.

Step 5: Commit and Push Your Changes

  1. Add the changes to your branch:
    git add .
  2. Commit these changes:
    git commit -m "Added [Your Name]'s project"
  3. Push the changes to your forked repository:
    git push origin [your-name-or-feature]

Step 6: Create a Pull Request

  1. Navigate to the original Web3-Class-Code repository on GitHub.
  2. Click on "Pull requests" and then the "New pull request" button.
  3. Click on "compare across forks."
  4. Select your fork and branch as the source and the main repository's main branch as the destination.
  5. Review your changes and then click "Create pull request."
  6. Fill in a title and description for your pull request and then click "Create pull request" again.

Step 7: Review and Merge

  • Once your pull request has been submitted, it will be reviewed by the repository maintainers. You may receive feedback or requests for changes. Keep an eye on your pull request discussion!
  • If your code meets the project standards, it will be merged into the main branch.


  • Ensure your code is well-documented and follows the best practices for clean code.
  • Include a detailed README in your folder to explain your project and any necessary setup instructions.
  • Be respectful and constructive when providing feedback on others' pull requests.

Thank you for contributing to the Web3-Class-Code repository! Your contributions help build a collaborative and educational environment for all.

This template provides a clear and concise guide for students to contribute their code for review, ensuring that each contribution is organized and easy to find by using individual folders named after the contributors.