
Playing with different charts with vaadin

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Playing with charts

This is a test-project for making charts with Vaadin.

We have 4 different approaches to tackle the charts:

Vaadin Charts

Vaadin have great build-in charts to use. These are flexible, easy to use and superbly beatiful.


This is also the backbone of Vaadin Charts. So look and feel is the same as Vaadin Charts. Difference comes from the fact that Highcharts are plain js.

Google Charts

Strong and free charts library from google. Downside is that it's javascript.


Old library, so end results are not that pretty. Plus side is that it's free and fully Java

Where's the beef

The playground itself is in the MyUI.java -file. All chart-creation logic is dumped there to keep this playground as easy as possible

Running the project

To build the widgetsets: (in root directory, the parent module)

mvn clean install

To run the project: (the ui-module)

cd customchart-ui
mvn spring-boot:run


The code itself is under Apache License 2.0, but used libraries are different scenario:

Vaadin Charts: commercial, you need to get a license: https://vaadin.com/charts#

Highchart: commercial or Creative Commons (CC) Attribution-NonCommercial licence for non-commercial usage https://shop.highsoft.com/highcharts

JFreeChart: LGPL