
Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


gke-prober runs inside your GKE cluster, gathering and exporting additional metrics not supplied natively by the GKE product. It targets four types of metrics:

  1. Metrics that describe the health of your nodes
  2. Metrics that describe the health of node-hosted GKE components (addons in the kube-system namespace, as annotated by components.gke.io/component-name)
  3. Metrics collected from probing of the compute environment (e.g. dns, networking)
  4. Service level indicators, describing the health of your nodes and node-hosted GKE components in an aggregate fashion

The metrics are labelled with a few other dimensions, as appropriate, related to the metrics themselves.

Note: this is not an officially supported Google product.

Table of Contents


Container image

Currently, users would need to build its own container image using the provided Dockerfile. For build tools, we recommend the Google Cloud Build

# go to the root directory where the Dockerfile resides

gcloud builds submit --tag $IMG

Manifests in the manifests directory specify the GCP resources (as KCC resources) and kubernetes resources needed to run gke-prober in GKE clusters with Workload Identity enabled.

Before applying, set your GCP project in all the manifests by hand, or by executing a kpt function at the root of the repository:

mkdir -p ${HOME}/bin
curl -L https://github.com/GoogleContainerTools/kpt/releases/download/v1.0.0-beta.1/kpt_linux_amd64 --output ~/bin/kpt && chmod u+x ${HOME}/bin/kpt
export PATH=${HOME}/bin:${PATH}

kpt fn eval --truncate-output=false --image gcr.io/kpt-fn/apply-setters:v0.2 manifests -- project=my-gcp-project

Kpt requires Docker to run, if you don't have Docker installed, execute the Sed commend at the root of the repository to set your GCP project id in all the Yaml files:

# replace gcp-project-id with the real project id
find . -type f -name "*.yaml" -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i'' -e 's/my-gcp-project/gcp-project-id/g'

Then apply the manifests to your GKE clusters. Manifests in manifests/gcp need to be applied into a KCC-enabled cluster. Manifests in manifests/k8s should be applied in the clusters where you'd like gke-prober installed.


Kubernetes manifests

gke-prober runs in two modes. These modes are complementary: make sure you run both.

  1. Cluster Mode: Runs as a deployment with a single replica, gathering cluster-level data.
  2. Node Mode: Runs as a daemonset, gathering node-level data.

Required Permissions

RBAC permissions to the API server.

gke-prober has its own Kubernetes service account in the gke-prober-system namespace, which requires list and watch permissions on the following resources:

  1. nodes
  2. pods
  3. daemonsets
  4. deployments

IAM permissions for Cloud Monitoring.

To expose metrics to Google Cloud Monitorinig, gke-prober uses the Cloud client libraries for Montiroing.

gke-prober must have a IAM credential to authenticate to Google Cloud Monitoring APIs. Google Application Default Credentials is used by Client Libararies to automatically find credentials based on where you run gke-prober.

Runs In-Cluster

ADC uses GKE Workload Identify, as provided as a KSA in the deployment yaml

Runs locally

Uses credentials you set up with the Google gcloud CLI. You need to provide credential to ADC for use by Cloud Monitoring Client Libraries. See the section Development

gke-prober runs under an IAM service account with the following IAM permissions:

  1. monitoring.metricDescriptors.create
  2. monitoring.timeSeries.create
  3. monitoring.metricDescriptors.list (optional, for prom-to-sd sidecar used for golang process metrics)

Workload Identity

gke-proberuses the Kubernetes service account (KSA) within your cluster to authenicate to the cluster API server. It also runs as an IAM service account (GSA) to call Cloud Monitoring APIs to expose the metrics it collects to the Cloud Monitoring/StackDriver remote backend.

If you want to install gke-prober on GKE clusters. GKE Workload Identify is the recommended approach. Workload Identify binds a KSA to a GSA, it is the recommended way for your workloads (e.g. gke-prober) running on GKE to access Google Cloud services in a secure and manageable way.

If your GKE cluster is configured with Workload Identity the gke-prober service account needs additional permissions, and needs to be linked to the k8s service account. See the documentation page for Workload Identity, and refer to hack/workload-identity.sh (setting PROJECT_ID) for a concrete example.



Once running, gke-prober will emit a variety of metrics.

(work-in-progress!!) Two dashboards are available in dashboards/cloud-monitoring:

  1. gke-prober-fleet.json visualizes node and addon metrics at a fleet level (multiple GKE clusters).
  2. gke-prober-cluster.json visualizes node and addon metrics at a cluster level: please filter on your GKE cluster name.
  3. gke-prober-performance.json visualizes the performance of gke-prober itself (memory/cpu usage, Cloud Monitoring API usage). Note: in the "Consumed API" chart, modify the credential_id filter to match the ID of your gke-prober-sa service account.

To import the dashboards, run the following command (Replace "METRICS-PREFIX" with the perfix being used. For example, "gke-prober")

gcloud monitoring dashboards create --config-from-file dashboards/cloud-monitoring/*.json

The dashboards look roughly like this (slightly out-of-date screenshot):

Very rough attempt at visualizing gke-prober metrics

Metric List

gke-prober emits the following metrics:

Metric Type Prober Mode Implemented Metric Source Description
Addon Cluster - [x] cluster/addons_expected apiserver Expected count of addons, labelled by addon:$name, controller:{DaemonSet,Deployment} and version:$version
Node Cluster - [x] cluster/node_available apiserver Count of nodes labelled by available:{True,False}, ready:{True,False}, schedulable:{True,False}, done_warming:{True,False}, nodepool:$nodepool, and zone:$zone. Available indicates nodes are healthy, schedulable, done_warming
Node Cluster - [x] cluster/node_condition apiserver Count of nodes by NodeCondition, labelled by nodepool:$nodepool, zone:$zone, type:$type and status:$status
Node Node - [x] node/available apiserver Node availability, labelled by available:{True,False}, ready:{True,False}, schedulable:{True,False}, done_warming:{True,False}, nodepool:$nodepool, and zone:$zone (value 1).
Node Node - [x] node/condition apiserver Node conditions, labelled by nodepool:$nodepool, zone:$zone, type:$type amd status:$status (value 1).
Addon Node - [x] addon/restart apiserver Count of addon restarts on node, labelled by reason:$reason, exit_code:$code, container_name:$container, addon:$name, controller:{DaemonSet,Deployment}, version:$version, nodepool:$nodepool, and zone:$zone
Addon Node - [x] addon/control_plane_available apiserver/probe Addon control plane availability (if all addons on node are scheduled, running, and haven't restarted), labelled by available:{True,False}, nodepool:$nodepool, and zone:$zone (value 1)
Addon Node - [x] addon/available apiserver Count of addon pods on node, labelled by addon:$name, controller:{DaemonSet,Deployment}, version:$version, nodepool:$nodepool, zone:$zone, available:{True,False}, node_available:{True,False}, running:{True,False}, and stable:{True,False}
Addon Node - [] partial* addon/available probe Addon probes will augment this metric with the label healthy:{True,False,Unknown,Error}
Addon Node - [] partial** addon/addon/* probe Addon probes will emit addon-specific metrics, labelled by addon:$name, controller:{DaemonSet,Deployment}andversion:$version`
Probe Node - [] partial*** probe/probe/* probe Probes will emit metrics gathered by probing the compute environment

* Health probes implemented for gke-metadata-server

** Metrics emitted for ...

*** Probes for dns-lookup and http-get emit a metric called request_latency_microseconds


gke-prober will attempt to export metrics that can support the following SLIs:

  1. Node Availability (k8s_node: node/available)
  2. Addon Control Plane Availability (k8s_node: ``)

Monitored Resource

In Cloud Monitoring, metrics emitted by gke-prober will be visible under:

  1. the k8s-cluster monitored resource when running in cluster mode
  2. the k8s-node monitored resource when running in node mode

Probes and Probe Metrics

Addon probes will run from node mode, and probe the local pods representing the addon

Listing and Deleting Metrics in Cloud Monitoring

To list the metrics descriptors that gke-prober creates, run:

go run cmd/listmd/main.go -project my-gcp-project

If you need to delete those metrics descriptors, you can pass -delete to the above commandline.

Note that you need to authenticate to Google Cloud, either by using a GCP service account or your user credential

Hostnetwork Probes

As some addons run in the node's network namespace and expose probe-able endpoints on localhost, the prober can only probe those addons when running with hostNetwork:true. Examples of those addons include the node-problem-detector and gke-metrics-agent.

No GKE components requiring hostNetwork mode have been implemented as of July 2021.

Note: most GKE addons in this category only export metrics endpoints which may not be a useful (or stable) proxy for health.


To build, export IMG=gcr.io/your_project/gke-prober:latest and make docker-build docker-push. Use that IMG in the deployment manifests.

For local development, to expose metrics to Googel Cloud Montiroing, you need to provide your user credentials to ADC, you use gcloud CLI:

gcloud auth application-default login

After this, gke-prober will use the permission in your user account, so make sure you have the requisite permissions. See Local Development Environment

Then to launch gke-prober run this:

go run cmd/localdev/main.go -project=$PROJECT_ID -location=$LOCATION -cluster=$CLUSTER

Process metrics are exported on :8080/metrics


Apache License 2.0