
small web chat app made in 2019 in ~24h

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


In 2019 I have created this small chat application to:

  • check out websockets and some js stuff
  • try making something useful and working in a short time (hackathon style)
  • have a place for a small team to talk about project ideas

It took me approximately 24,5h as stated in the commit messages. I was developing in 30 minute intervals.

I have just found this project still working on an old hosting and moved it here for preservation.


  • session based password protected auth
  • login/password changing in app
  • creating channels/topics
  • sending messages in different channels (live communication)
  • unread message count indicator in each topic
  • uploading files
  • browsing files in different tab (sorting by type)
  • rwd


(this can be incomplete or incorrect due to me not remembering everything correct)

  • PHP 7.2+
  • CodeIgniter3
  • HashIds
  • workerman/phpsocket.io
  • MySQL
  • KnockoutJS
  • Bootstrap
  • jQuery
  • socket.io
  • require.js

Installation and running

  1. Create a MySQL database and import the db.sql file.
  2. Insert user into users table by hand (passwords are hashed with bcrypt, you can use users.type ADMIN but I don't remember if its any different from the default MEMBER)
  3. Move this code into your webserver root.
  4. Run composer install
  5. In the app/config dir copy:
    • config.sample.php to config.php and fill out the base_url var
    • database.sample.php to database.php and fill out the database connection info
    • socket.sample.php to socket.php and fill out the address and port var
  6. Configure your server with the domain and port from the socket config.
  7. Run the php websocket server with php server/chat.php.
Configuring the websocket server (points 6. and 7.) might need a bit more work than described. If by any chance you need help post an issue and I'll try helping ;)


  • my code: WTFPL
  • the rest: as stated in the respected packages/libs